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Rufus's Journals (Stories)
Well, these journals are more like stories. Stories of my character Rufus. I'm writing out his whole past, and sense I was getting more addicted to Gaia I felt I should post them up here. ^^ Please Enjoy!
Heaven and Hell Chapter 3
Kiden sat alone staring down at the river. The water tricked down the rocks noisily, but it was still very quiet and calming at the same time. He was thinking. Everything felt strange around heaven. People his age were acting strangely….. he blinked looking over, hearing rustling in one of the bushes. “…? Hello?” Staring he awkwardly looked back to the river. A figure stood next to him. “…Kiden right?” Kiden looked up as his eyes widened. “…u-uh… yes! Of course! Of course I am! Lu… Lucifer… right?” Lucifer nodded and sat down next to him. “…I heard some strange rumors…. Rumors about you Kiden.” Kiden stared down sacredly. “….w-what? Rumors? Rumors about what-“ His eyes widened as he felt lips pressed onto his. He was pushed down on the ground blushing madly as he stared up to Lucifer. “uh…. L… Lucifer….” “Just be quiet…. No one will hear.” Kiden shut his eyes blushing madly as Lucifer continued to kiss him, and slowly moved his hands down and untied Kiden’s cloth belt. Kiden moaned softly as he shivered….

“Ah!” Kiden’s eyes opened as he was breathing hard. Glancing around he realized he was in his house... it was night… and everything was dark and silent. “…wha…. Lucifer?” He stared confused then held his head. “…of course… j-just another dream….” Kiden’s dreams kept getting more and more sexual…. more… tempting… Kiden was blushing madly as he scratched his head. “…nnn…” The only person he knew he could talk to was Cain at this moment…. Cain didn’t find Kiden to be messed up… and actually listened… and Cain knew exactly what Kiden was going through. To this extent however… Kiden was unsure. Was he the only one that felt like this…? Getting out of bed he stretched, blushing still. The scene kept replaying in his head. Lucifer was all he could think about anymore… b-but this was ridiculous. He only saw Lucifer once… isn’t this extreme!?

Walking out of his house he looked around. The only light… came from… he looked over to the temple. It glew brightly as usual. “…I wonder what is happening over there….” He mumbled to himself. No one was ever told what happened behind the gods gates. He flapped his wings and flew up. They also knew what was happening with all the young angels… right? Blinking he looked over as another angel flew in the sky. It stumbled a moment to the side, then flapped their wings harder and maintained flight again, before stumbling and hitting the ground. Kiden’s eyes widened as he ran over and knelt down next to the body. “Cain! W-what… what the heck!?” Cain winced and sat up slowly. He had a bloody wing…. “…!! Cain! Oh my god, what did you d-“ Cain quickly covered Kiden’s mouth looking around. It was silent. He slowly let go and lay back on the ground, breathing hard. “K-kiden….” Kiden stared horrified then grabbed Cain, pulling him back into Kiden’s house. “O-oh my god oh my god…!” Kiden panicked. He didn’t know what blood was, injury had never seen blood! “Calm down… it’s a small scratch. I hit my wing on accident while… while flying.” Kiden glared over. “Where the hell were you!?” He stood irritated. Cain stared up to Kiden, holding a serious tone in his voice as he spoke. “…I found out what changed all the younger angels.” Kiden froze as Cain’s mouth kept moving with the description. Kiden stared stunned.

Standing in the marketplace of the town, rustling and happiness was everywhere. Angels played games and had a good time altogether. Others were eating and talking. The usual. Kiden was able to clean Cain’s wing, as Cain couldn’t reach and do it himself, as the two of them sat at the fountain again. Kiden was still in thought.

“I found out what changed all the younger angels. There is a being called Sin… I don’t know where he came from… but he’s been corrupting the gods as well…! He somehow gets inside people… this is the guy that’s changing everything….! I flew to the temple and found a place to listen in, but I thought they saw me and I flew off quickly, and ended up hitting my wing on part of the gate…” “What…!? …a being called Sin….?”


Cain smiled over to Kiden. “Hey, don’t look so down, at least we know now. We aren’t so blind to the truth anymore like the rest of them.” He looked out, tapping his fingers gently on the marble of the fountain. Kiden stared over. “…do you think we’re isolated?” Cain glanced over. “Huh? Kiden, you need to stop thinking so much about these kinds of things. I mean, you seem to concentrate on all the flaws.” “But if someone wasn’t there to pay attention to the flaws… flaws would just get worse….” Cain stared away. “…I hate it here. Let’s go.” Hate… When was a word this horrid used?

They were walking away from the town as they tried to lighten the mood. Cain smiled over. “Everest tripped today and ended up hurting herself! Haha!” “Ha? Is that really something to laugh over?” “No, not really, but I helped her up and as a thank you she kissed my cheek!” Cain grinned as Kiden stared in disbelief. “You’re such a romantic loser Cain.” Cain laughed and held his hands behind his head. “Yes yes, I suppose you could say that. But, hey~” Cain leaned closer and whispered. “What about you and Lucifer?” Kiden immediately blushed and glared childishly. “Hey, stop that. Let’s not talk about him okay?” Cain grinned and continued to poke fun at Kiden. “Aw, I dunno, every time I say his name you blush…. Haha ow!” Kiden had hit Cain in the arm as Cain laughed and rubbed his arm. “Hey that kind of hurt you know….” Kiden stared, then grinned proudly as he kept walking. “So? You deserve it!”

Cain sighed and stared up at the sky. “What a weirdo. A guy in love with another guy-“

“-and a guy in love with his sister!”

They laughed off the angst of their situations. For once they acted like kids again. All these unusual crushes were hard on the brain of a kid only fifteen years old after all. But it would come to an end all too suddenly, once again. Suddenly Cain stopped, his eyes widening as he looked back to the town. “…something is wrong.” Kiden blinked and looked over. “What…?” “In the city. Something is wrong. I don’t know what it is… but…” Kiden stared, feeling his heart sink. Something was wrong. He could tell too. It was too silent. “Hurry!” He shouted as he quickly started running, Cain blinking and staring over stunned. “Kiden!” He rushed after Kiden quickly.

Coming across a strange scene they both stopped and stared horrified. Someone familiar stood there in the town square, right next to the fountain they sat at all too often. Blood dripped down his lips as he stared down, breathing hard. His wings and hair were still as beautiful as they always were. Kiden pushed through the crowds and ended up in the second row of people, Cain eagerly following. Kiden’s eyes widened as he whispered. “…Lucifer….”

Lucifer glared up as the god standing across from him glared dangerously. “Look… everyone is here to see you, the traitor!! Making love with my mistress!” God shouted. His true name was Devon, but he was the god of gods… Murete had disappeared so his brother took over… best never to call him anything less. But Lucifer had the nerve. He glared up slowly then smirked. “So? At least she got the taste of what a real man felt like-“ Getting hit to the ground Devon glared furiously. “You!” Freezing a moment he looked around then smirked. “…fine…. You want to be rebellious…. And try to destroy our perfect society….!? Then be an outcast! And become forever banished from heaven!!” He shouted as he held his hand out. Lucifer seemed to pulse for a moment then fall to his knees shaking. Something was happening… screaming out spikes sprung from his body painfully, blood oozing from him and hitting the ground. Breathing hard a second shriek of agony echoed across the angels, as Lucifer’s hair lost its shine and became messy like a savage… his eyes seemed to disappear under a strange darkness as what could be seen as eyes glew a bright angry looking red. Black lines slithered across his body to create markings deprived from sin itself. Horns cracked through the skin of his head and shot up, a long, thin, dangerous looking tail slithered down, and wings similar to that of bats broke out of his back, covered in his own blood as he laid on the ground in utter misery. This was going too far….

Kiden covered his mouth shaking as Cain stared horrified. He had never seen anything like this before… a monster, Lucifer was a monster….! Angels were crying and screaming, as Lucifer shakily sat up and looked over. His dark angry looking eyes, which were at this point, very sad (Though they couldn’t be seen as sad by the spectators) as the angels shrieked and drew back. Even the friends Lucifer had played with had stayed put and not dared move against God’s will.

Lucifer stared horrified at the group of people who saw only fear from the rebellion child of their ways. He coughed blood a moment, his body shaking from the terrifying change, as he slowly looked up to Devon, who laughed in amusement. “See what happens Lucifer…? When you ******** around with my mistress….?” The ground opened up beneath Lucifer, as he slowly slid, grabbing on desperately to the cloud and grass and rock that made up the pavement of the square, people shrieked and backed away. Kiden grew furious and tried to run forward. “LUCIFER!” He yelled out. Tears were falling down his face…. What had happened to him!?! “No, wait!” Cain spoke grabbing Kiden as he covered his mouth. Devon looked over to the crowd hearing Lucifer’s name, but not seeing anyone who he thought might have blurted it out, he looked back down to Lucifer. “…goodbye…. Vermin…” He grinned and kicked Lucifer off, sending Lucifer down and down, into the earth still in creation. He seemed to disappear as Kiden rushed forward, kneeling in Lucifer’s blood as he stared horrified down the hole, it closing up quickly. Devon stared and laughed as he turned walking off. His mistress was all his own now…. And she was known to be pregnant to. With Devon’s child of course…

Kiden stared down at the ground, his white angelic outfit ruined in blood. His hand moved around on the ground and over the blood, as people watched in disgust as they turned rushing off.

“I’ve heard of him…”

“He’s one of the strange new angels….”

Blinking, Kiden’s hand hit something. Picking it up, he stared a moment. It was one of the spikes created from Lucifer’s body as it was molded from a monster. Looking at it he wiped his eyes and slowly stood up, carrying it. His face shadowed. …its all Devon’s mistresses fault… Turning he began to walk off, Cain watching him carefully.

“Kiden, are you-“

“I’m going to go wash off.” He spoke depressively, as Cain watched.

Cain walked home slowly; the event that happened that night and its magnitude affected him severely. For an affair, one is turned into a monster by the god?

All hail the almighty god.

Sent down to a planet in which its creation hasn’t been completely fulfilled, for all anyone knew Lucifer could have fell into lava… into his doom…. Cain shook his head and shivered. The event kept replaying. What was going to happen now? Were the angels innocence… compromised? After such a horrid sight… people would HAVE to change… something like that isn’t taken lightly by such fragile and sweet creatures….

Walking up to his house he stopped. Hearing something, he listened in closely. His new house had thin doors… “Wait… Raguel…” Cain froze. That… disgusting name of the man who helped his sister… “Uh… uh… this…. Feels good…” She moaned as Cain’s eyes widened horrified. What… was…. What was he doing to her!? No… NO! He couldn’t be sinning upon her; he would have to be fifteen!! …wait… was… was he…. Peering into the window, Raguel was on top of her, nothing happening except kissing her neck. She blushed madly as she had her arms wrapped around him. “These… feelings are reserved for gods…” “Everest…” Raguel spoke softly. How dare he call out her name!! “Everest… you love me, I know you do…. We’ve known each other ever sense we were kids…” Everest pulled herself closer to him. “…y-yes…. But…. You were born with odd feelings…” “But…. Do you like this?” He spoke carefully. Everest was silent then smiled softly. “…yes I do… and… I like you doing this…. I… I l… l… love you….” Cain held his heart as if it had broken. She was seventeen; she wasn’t supposed to feel these things! He… must have been fifteen… he… w-was corrupting her…!!! NO! STOP!! Fury filled Cain’s face as Raguel and Everest continued their sin, and for some odd reason, Cain stayed and listened and watched the entire time. It continued to throw him into a spiraling mood of depression and hatred, something not common to the usual angel. Slowly falling to his knees his head leaned against the house, as he pulled his knees up to his chest and sobbed quietly. Sadness…. Depression…. It felt horrible… he was jealous… he hated Raguel… the dusky sky of nightfall fell into darkness…. The moon visible…. The sky seemed to follow Cain’s emotions…

Oh how he hated him… oh… the fury… the sorrow… and the absolute hate…. Oh…. How he hated him….

And Cain stayed awake all night… his dark thoughts and desires possessing his mind….. but a smile was forced onto his lips… and Sin swallowing up the smiling hating Cain up into the abyss.

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