omg!! i gotta let andre know that my scanner is working now!!!
here are some drawings i did when i was bored and what was i thinking when I drew them!! yay! something to conquer my boredom! ^^
eh... that was suppose to be me and my ex's avi... i thought it was pretty so I decided to keep it
my avi again. I was bored in spanish class so I started sketching with my blue pen... rawr
I got bored again... i think it was probably in english class this time... right after spanish class... this time my red pen ^^
errr my avi again... when i had the nice curly hair... ummm... the coco was my old one named milkshake... *cries* i sold him... and i miss him... i have a new one though... named jimmy... but it's actually my brothers... tehehe... i just had to copyright it
this picture is from the manga called "Full Moon O Sagashite" i think that's the name. I saw the picture in one of the sections and i thought to myself "Dude! I so have to draw that picture... so i did... ^^ it's pretty and it took me 2 hours to finish... pretty quick in my book! the face looks all white cause i edited it on the computer... my brother drew a mustashe(sp?) on it and a unibrow... cause he was mad... and jealous cause he wanted a unibrow but he can't have one cause he's not special enough ^^
i took the eye design from "full moon" as well... just for my avi at least... looks pretty ^^
tehehe... my avi again... err... i have no life...
hehehe... mari_lambo moment... created by mari_lambo... yes... the lambos I'm talking about aren't real... the lamborginis are... but that's not the lambo i'm talking about
the stage where i was obsessed about mooses... ah! yes! that stage... wait... I'm still obsessed... nvm...
sweatdrop oh happy day... enough said
chibiversion of picture #7
the moose is here again....
mari_lambo if your nasty... hehe... andre wrote that. he helped me draw that too ^^
omg! i drew panic! at the disco! hehhe yay!
that's all for now folks... peace for now!
the one and only