There was a new student today! Her names Alain.... I think that's how you spell it... back to what I was saying, she's new, so I took the responsibility to show her around. Nobody else did, which was very mean. Nobody showed me around when I was new crying . I talked to my mom before about how people didnt show me around when I was new. She asked me if I showed any new students around... I didn't. I didn't want to be a hypocrite, so I showed her around ^^. The teacher told my friend to show her around, she ditched her even after my buddy Kim reminded her. -sigh- It was so harsh D: What a pity! back at Britannia, children would be begging to show the new kid around. I guess it's just because this school is actually stereotypical =T. Kids really hate school, there's homework.... more than at my old school, lots of mean people.... or maybe it's because there are many Chinese people here. Although I am Chinese, I think Chinese people are mean sad