Weekly.... yea, one of these days... or weeks, I will get this right. Never fear faithful reader(s), I will eventually get my crap together enough to make this journal updated weekly. Until then... well you can antagonize me and make me an evil person in your minds. It's almost as good as therapy, without the huge hourly rates! I just compared myself to a pychiatrist, man I'm pompous.
Well... Spring Break has started. I have an entire week from school with no homework! And how am I going to spend it, you might ask? Well... I'm probably going to stay in doors for as long as humanly possible and avoid all contact with the sun and other humans. As if you were expecting anything else?
Shia Lebouf, or whatever the hell his name is (Louis Stevens from Even Stevens) is like suddenly in all these movies. More importantly, I give a crap about these movies! Transformers (my dream come true) and that movie where he watches people... yea it's late at night, my mind is slow.. Oh well, when did this happen? I mean, the kid is a decent actor, I'm glad to see he's getting himself some good work now. Hope he gets far in Hollywood.
Well, that is all I got for now. Sorry I don't post on a specific schedule, but I'm trying, I swear!
DruchiiGuy Community Member |