Lots of things to share with people who might look here:
1. Autism. A) Toys r us for 2007 is Autism Speaks National Sponsor. Through May 4th will be accepting cash donations to raise a mill dollars for research. We are already over halfway there. I think this is really excellent because almost every other children's cause has a voice and someone routing for them; but all too often, autism is the one that seems to always fall under the radar. Maybe cause you can't always notice by looking at them. Autism is a disorder that silences the souls and social dynamics of a person's personality and prevents them from building social connections they might desire so badly. Don't think just cause they aren't talking to anyone doesn't mean they don't have anything to say. Just because they don't play with others doesn't mean they don't wanna play with others... Not being able to find the ways to do it isn't the same as absence of desire.
B) Sunday, September 30, 2007. I will be participating in Southeast Michigan's First ever WALK NOW for Autism at the Detroit Zoo. I will soon put up a link to my personal page, but I hope my friends here on gaia who can afford to give anything might help fund. My personal goal for now is $150, but if i can on my own raise that much before the walk even starts.. i'll try raise my goal then... I am also the team leader for my team which I made for my store I work at. My hope is to get like... 4-6 people from my work and then they can get some family and friends who want to walk with them... and hopefully we can all raise lots of monies as well. I really feel excited to do this because I feel since I'm in a lower income bracket and not able to donate large sums of cash myself... I can help by offering my time and resources to be a leader and help gather the money in whatever way I can. Also, I can help do my part to raise awareness for Autism.
C) April is National Autism Awareness Month. I hope to make/offer some peeps if i can get my secondary pc online since that has all my linearts. :/
Ok, so we've been here a month. I am really enjoying living here, and overall, I find my levels of anxiety going down. I am starting to enjoy cleaning up around here at times... Just something about being here really encourages me. For those of you who know me in my spirituality. I have told people that from the beginning, I felt right away that this home was something the Lord had for me. And, I felt like nothing would stop us from moving in. And, nothing did. And, I keep having this feeling like... I'm standing on the brink of hte Lord bringing me into my own promise land.. the things that are meant for me and my family. I'm not sure what that will mean... I know that the bible's accounts of the children of Israel claiming their promises weren't without adventure and challenges.
I am looking to revise my personal address book, so when I want to write someone a letter. I can pick people who I feel good about writing to. If you are someone I am good friends with and would like to receive letters from me.. and you live in the US... sorry international friends. I tend to not visit the post office too often to mail international mail. Send me a pm with the title "SilverBox List".
Graceangel · Thu Apr 05, 2007 @ 08:47pm · 1 Comments |