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What did I write about this time?
one day, a girl entered school completley unknowing of wat would happen later that day. homeroom was a drag, social studies was.....interesting (they had a sub )
when that ended she rushed out of the classroom hoping to get another glimpse of her crush. (she liked to get out of class early to see him (( he didnt know she liked him ))) as she rushed to class she didnt see daniel (the guy she liked) feeling down, she wove her way through the hall, avoiding oncoming seventh graders. (she is in 6th grade but her class is on the seventh grade hall) as soon as she entered the class, she glanced at the board. 'oh crap, there was a test' she thought. then as she looked around, she saw a boy sitting in the back of the class hunched over an unfinished test. her heart started pounding as she looked at the sandy blond boy who was completely oblivious to the fact that there was a girl staring at him. 'omg,' she thought, how am i going to concentrate with him in here?' to her surprise, he stood up and approached the teacher whom had just settled the class down. he handed her the test, ('omg, he looks really hot from the side' thought the girl) and waited for some reason. she spotted him looking her way. she immediatly tensed up and waved weakly to her complete, and utter shock, *dun dun dun* he waved back. after 5 more seconds he left. the girl let out her breath and started shaking uncontrollably, and started making flinching movements with her hands and arms. her breathing became irregular, and suddenly, she couldnt feel her heart-beat. her head flopped down on the desk limply. her classmate asked her if she was ok, but she could only pronounce either one letter at a time, or make choking noises. terrified, she thought 'whats happening to me?'

the answer?

ok, last time, the story was talking about a boy and a girl...... the guy's name was.... oh yah daniel..... did the girl even have a name? oh, no she didnt. well i guess ill have to get her one! her name will be kaity and ill spell it how i WANNA spell it!!!
after daniel and kaity's last encounter, kaity had been feeling calmer around daniel. when they passed eachother in the halls, her heart didn't pound - as much. she hadn't seen daniel in a while and was starting to get suspicious. if she didnt see him, she couldnt find out what he was like to other people. and there was soo much she wanted to know about him, for instance;
did he like anyone? (oh god, not that )
is he nice? (he'd better be, or ill tenderize him like a steak! )
who are his friends? (do i count?? )
kaity had many more questions to ask him, that was just a sample. she actually has 54. she even listed them! how pathetic! anyway.......
kaity rounded the corner to go to science (remember? its on the 7th grade hall)
class. she had even dawdled to let a friend catch up with her - and yet he still had not appeared. she didnt winde her way through the bustling halls, she just waited to others to pass. the crowds died down, and kaity knew she would have to get to class. even as she reached the classroom, she had still not seen him. dissapointed, she went into the classroom and waited for the peiriod to end. at least she could see him at math RIT........
the bell rang. kaity was gone. she dashed her way to her math RIT class and sat in her usual spot, which was next to daniel who wasnt there yet. she grabbed a music stand (her math RIT teacher happened to be the band teacher) and was readyy to get to work. daniel entered the class slowly. he plopped down next to her. kaity tried hard not to stare. instead, she watched him out of the corner of her eye. so did daniel. they sat there for what seemed a very long time, watching eachother but pretending to be waiting for the teacher to come. daniel looked away and focused his attention to finding a pencil. kaity already had one ready. daniel, who apparently didnt have one finally asked, "do you have a pencil i can borrow?"
"uh, um, yah!" replied kaity a little to loudly. hands shaking, she found one and held it out to him. "are you ok?" daniel asked, "you look a little feverish" "uh" kaity drew a blank. she started again, "um yah, im fine." daniel gave her another look to try and determine if she was really ok or not and took the pencil. kaity mentally slapped herself. how could she be this emotionally relevant?? he was bound to notice her true feelings some time.
math RIT passed slowly. every once and a while, kaity and daniel glanced at eachother. finally breaking the silence, daniel asked, "which song did you vote for to play at the concert? i voted for antiquitus" "o-oh, thats what i voted for too...." "cool, and what instrument do you play?" daniel asked. "saxophone" kaity replied nervously. (i really do play saxophone in real life, but my name isnt kaity, and i dont like a guy named daniel) "cool, and what chair are you?" he asked. "first, i-i'm always first, exept for once a couple months ago" kaity said. (kwaii, just like me! ) "awesome, i always am somewhere around third." said daniel, sounding a little bumed. "well thats good, at least your not last!" said kaity, trying to cheer him up. "very true" daniel said, laughing quietly. *well, that went great,* kaity thought *now you made him feel bad!! curse you kaity!!* kaity slapped herself for real this time, she didnt mean to though, and she wasnt expecting it. (luckily daniel had gone to turn his paper in) kaity let out a yelp. she had never acted like this before. it was very strange. daniel came back. to kaity's horror, daniel asked, "why did you just slap yourself??" kaity was mortified. "uh um i-i-i d-didn't mean to" she replied shakily. "i-it w-w-was an a-accident"
what a great day for kaity.
it had been an entire week scince kaity had slapped herself. every time she walked to class, she would half hide her face when she saw daniel. it was very painful for her to do this, because a couple weeks ago she would have done anything for his attention. she was about to give up. maybe this guy wasn't worth it. maybe it was a good thing, (like her freind had said) not to like anybody. now when she saw him, she didnt get the butterlies anymore.
"erin, am i pathetic?" kaity asked. "well yah, you slap yourself and read that backwards manga stuff" erin replied. "hey! don't diss the manga. i pay 11$ for that 'stuff'!!!" "which makes it evn more stupid." "never mind. obviously you are not the one i should ask for this kind of advice. and i told you, if you find a seiries of manga you like i will buy you the entire seiries." kaity replied angrily, and wove herself away into the crowd. along the hall, kaity could see booths that had red table cloths on them. she walked over. she read the sign, it said : buy flowers and blow pops here, cards free with purchase!! *oh yeah,* kaity thought. *valentine's day!* kaity suddenly felt the four dollars in her bookbag weigh her down. *no, * she thought *nononono. bad girl. baad girl. don't, nononooooo!!!* kaity reminded herself of what happened last time. *don't do it. ask a friend first!!! KC would know what to do!! she just got a bf, and she liked the same guy you did last year!!* kaity hurried past so she wouldnt be tempted again, and besides, kaity would see KC today in band.
later, when kaity got to band, KC was already there. "omg!!" KC said. "somebody likes you!!!" "what the he**??!!??!???!!!?" kaity replied. "whoa, kaity calm down, i was just kiddin" KC said. "oh, kaity replied. band passed slowly, and KC and kaity didnt have much time to talk. kaity decided on her own not to send daniel a valentine. she knew he wasn't interested. so what would be the point in pusuing him? the day ended, and the next day came (which happened to be a friday, and her mom said she could go to the afterschool hangout spot) kaity rushed throough classes, and waited anxiously for the bell. when it rang, her teacher dissmised the class and kaity joined the group of people that goes to the hangout. they walked along the sidewalk, and waved to busses as they drove by. kaity noticed that daniel was ahead of the crowd, and walking quite fast. kaity walked inbetween the group of popular kids, and daniel where there happened to be a huge gap. when they reached the hangout, everybody signed in, and went to find their friends. kaity wandered around and didnt see any of her friends, so she went to the videogame room where she found daniel sitting with his friends, and sat down. she was watching them play some football videogame, when lampice, (a really tough girl who always wore boys clothes and acted as though she were one) came up behind kaity and inched her lightly. kaity yelped. "ouch, why did you do theat?" kaity asked.
lampice laughed. "wimp" she replied simply.
kaity spent the remainder of her time at the cave avoiding lampice. when kaity was standing alone, in her usual spot, watching daniel play pool, kevin walked up. 'you always watch him' he said. kaity jumped. 'why would you think that?' she asked. 'because you always stand here and watch him. you blush whenever hes near you' 'do you like me? you seem to know an awful lot about my social life. and i always blush.' kaity replied. 'who are you anyway?' 'my name is kevin' kevin said. 'you ride my bus dont you? you sit with those loosers in the front' kaity said. 'well, i dont like you, but as i see it, you sit in the middle of the bus and you dont talk with anybody.' kaity opened her mouth to reply, but had no comeback. she tried again, 'why do you know all this?' she asked, facing kevin and found herself facing a rather tall, certainly not skinny, black haired boy with a mustache. she couldnt stop staring at him. she hadnt ever seen him clearly before. 'i can tell you dont really want to talk to me, so i might as well help you with this.' 'wha?' kaity started and then stopped. kevin turned toward the pool table and walked over to daniel. kaity choked. she wasnt ready for this, after what happened... kaity looked up to see kevin whispering something to daniel.
they looked up at her. daniel walked over, he looked back at kevin. this was her chance. kaity dashed around the wall and ran up the stairs into the ladies restroom. her cell phone rang. the song from her favorite band woke her from her shock. she picked it up. it was her mom. she was outside and ready to pick her up. kaity hung up her phone. 'right...5:30....' she mumbled. she ran downstairs, grabbed her stuff, and ran outside to the car. when she got in, her mom asked, 'why the rush?' 'just felt like running...' kaity replied nervously.
on monday, kaity avoided almost everybody. even her best friend, erin. most of all, she avoided the looks that were so often shot her way, by daniel. at the end of the day, kaity rushed on the bus, ignoring the friendly hello from her other best friend, allison. kaity marched to where kevin was sitting. 'why did you do that??' she ylled. 'why??? WHY???' 'whoa... calm down. i sent him over because, it was really pathetic... you just standing there, watching him. he said he had wanted an exuse to tell you that you were making him nervous.' 'i, you, you....' 'hey, if you dont like it, go away.' kaity sat. she was going to make him pay. 'i dont owe you any exuses for what happened.' kaity snapped. ' i didnt ask for any.' kevin replied. kaity scoweld.
that night, kaity did some serious thinking. why would kevin do that if he didnt like her? how did he know so much about her? did he know daniel? were they freinds? she had to know. but, a strange feeling came over her. she didnt have any desire to be with daniel anymore. in fact, the other day, she had run away from him. isnt that the exact opposite of what should have happened? she didnt have the guts to be around him. the next day, kaity wrote down a list of questions for kevin.
1. why do you know so much about me?
2. do you want daniel and me to be together?
3. why did you interfere at the hangout?
4. how do you know daniel?
kaity stopped. that should be enough to aquire the knowledge she needed.
in the hall, as kaity rushed to class, erin stopped her. 'kaity, whats up? why arent you talking to any of your friends?' ' i uh... ill call you. i promise. i cant explain anything until i know anything myself.' kaity walked off. erin, however stood there. kaity had always been a little strange like that.
on the bus, she sat by kevin, again. 'i have some questions for you' she said. 'really?' kevin asked. 'yes, i do.' 'well, ask away.' 'right. uhm..
how do you know soo much about me?'
' i dont know. i just watch people. i dont have many friends.'
'ok then.
do you want me and daniel to be together?'
oh, ok.
why did you interfere at the hangout?'
'because, like i said, it was pathetic just watching you satand there. i had to do something.'
'ok. last question.
how do you know daniel?'
'we have know eachother for a while.'
the simplicity of kevins answers stunned kaity.
'now, i dont like you. ok?'
kevin said. 'ok.' kaity said.
somehow, someway, kaity and kevin became best friends. then the worst thing ever happened. 'kaity i am moving.' 'to where?' kaity asked. 'newzealand.' WHAT??? no, you cant....why??' 'my mom's job...''oh.'
the last few weeks they spent together, kaity gave kevin her email and told him to email her as soon as he could. he left january 18 2007. he emailed her 2 weeks after he moved. they exchanged emails and didnt speak of new zealand. they spoke maily of how lonely they were. even with allison on the bus, kaity was still unbalievably lonely. she had no reason to talk to the preveiously called 'looseres' that had become her freinds. her life slowly became meaningless. 11:00 one night, kaity emailed kevin a lifechanging email. one that could be the last thing they could say to eachother. but thankfully wasnt. she asked him to be her boyfriend. he sent a blank email. he was considering the fact that he had liked kaity's freind. then he said yes. they no longer spoke of lonleyness. kaity missed him everyday. she thought of hm every day. then came the time when he didnt email her.
kaity waited anxiously for kevin to email her. her life felt almost meaningless. kaity stayed up at night, waiting till 10:00 (it would have been 4:00 in NZ) holding the chinese necklace that she got in chicago. she always wore it. when she slept, when she showered (please dont hold this against me). it was so important to her because kevin was chinese-american and he was the first one who told here what it meant. it was one of the only things she had that made her feel close to kevin. it dawned on her one day, she wasnt sure how she felt about kevin. she loved him, but like a brother, not a boyfriend. the love she already had for kevin could grow if the 'relationship' they had was going to last.....and become more romantic. kaity was very confused. she held the chinese pendant in her hand. the once smooth symbol now had nicks in it that made it vaugely sharp. kaity never really cried, but now she did. she wasnt sure why kevin wasnt emailing her.... could it be because he hated her? was he mad? did he not want to speak to her? questions raced through kaity's exausted mind. she didnt remember falling asleep, but when she woke the next morning, the pendant was still clutched in her hand.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 05, 2007 @ 07:49pm
the story so far, as you can see

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