I forgot how I ended up at home. The last thing I knew I was standing outside looking up at the clouds and the next I was in my cubicle sized room staring out the window. I grabbed my ipod which was dangling on my dresser and opened my window with great force. I stepped outside on the tiny roof which helped keep the rain out of the tiny porch that was connected to our house.
I flipped through my playlist and found a depressing song to match the mood I was in. I do that all the time! My mom always wonders why I torture myself with sob movies and songs when I should be trying to stray away from them when I'm depressed.
I forget to take my anti depression pills or 'Happy Pills' is what my father and I call them. It's all the same they just cover my pain not help me get over them. After my grandpa died around my age of three, I became more aware that the depression thing will never go away.
I sighed deep and found a song that made me sob from the begining to the end.
It was almost nine at night when I awoke from my uncomfortable sleep. I remembered tossing and turning from my dreams but other than that I forgot I even closed my eyes. The whole day made me feel like I was a walking zombie and in the back of my mind I felt that it was only going to get worst.
A knock came from my window which made me jump. It was just my mom staring me dead in the face with her 'I know what your doing and I don't like it!' face.
"Are you coming inside to eat or not?" She tapped her finger on the window to keep from yelling. She seemed to do that now since we moved to a bigger house. More cleaning was the problem she would complain about to my father. I stepped out of the window carefully before she could get out another word and raced down the stairs to the dinning room. I inhaled my food in just a few minutes not taking a breath to enjoy it. I don't even remember what I had that night. Was it chicken or steak? Didn't matter to me because it tasted the same.
"Do you mind doing the dishes Faithy. Your father and I are going to a movie tonight and we kind of want to leave early. You understand right?"
My mom wanted no more than to stay in the same room with me. She tried every possible way to avoid a statement let alone a conversation.
"Sure why not go have fun. What movie are you watching?" Not that I really cared but I was actually curious to what they were going to watch, together.
"It's a chick flick plus action. Both your father and I will love." She made a quick glance at him and he just gave her a nod behind his paper.
Both of them seemed happy they found eachother and tried to show it towards me every chance they get.
I finished the dishes in record time not wanting to keep my thoughts on today. I waved at my parents good bye when they pulled out of our one mile driveway. No seriously we could park twelve cars there if we really needed to.
I walked passed the house phone and just stood there staring at it hoping my wishing will make it somehow ring. When that failed I sulked up the stairs counting each step, 24 steps before opening my room. A sudden gust of air flew in my room which made the hair stand up on my epidermis or skin if you will. Did I foget to close my window. It was certain that my mom must of forgot to close it when she went downstairs.
Almost tripping on my carpet on the way, I noticed movement on my roof. Quietly I straightened myself against my wall to sneak a peak outside. A sound of a grunt made me jump out of my skin.
"Pssst Faith are you in there?" The voice was hoarse and it sounded like he or she was running the mile.
"Who in the world." I said in a low voice. "Wait, Who's out there? Is that you Arthur?"
"Yeah it's me. May I come in or are you not allowed to see me this late at night?"
"My parents arn't home. You can stop talking so quietly." I shouldn't have told him that little detail.
"Well, stand clear of the window...I'm coming inside."
I sat on my bed and watched him effortlessly crawl through my window. He didn't look like him in the dark, but as my eyes adjusted his face came into clear view which made me almost black out. I got up and moved quickly to shut my window as hard as I could to show I was still upset about today.
"Still mad at me huh?"
"I'm not mad. I was mad that you made me a promise, but you never kept it." "I never promised I would date you!"
"NO not that! I meant you promised to take me to the nature park and you just disapeared."
"I think that's being mad." He smiled his perfect smile and I had to look away so he couldn't see me blushing like a little school girl.
"Oh whatever." I stomped in the bathroom to check if my teeth had any evidence of food. "Why are you here anyways. I thought we were just friends?" I glanced at his reflection in the mirror and gave him a scornful look. "How did you find my house anyways?"
"Am I not allowed to visit my new friend? Or do I need permission to hangout at your house?" He knew I was getting aggravated but that didn't stop him from making a joke. "I found it in your transcript today. It said your address and everything. So I thought it would be a great time as ever to sneak in your window and have my way with you!"
"OH SHUT UP!" I clenched my fist in rage. "I will never give you permission. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!" Screaming always made me cry so I stopped my statement there.
"Fine then. I'll just leave you to your thoughts then. I was just here to say sorry to you!" He made the puppy dog pount and that blew me out from there. I guess you could say I caved in to his charm, yet again.
I looked away from his reflection in the mirror and put my hand on his shoulder.
"No I should be sorry. I shouldn't be that heartless! I might give you permission, just not any time soon." I gave him a smile and that made all things better between us.
"Great then. I forgive you if you forgive me?"
"Well then I have no choice than to forgive you. I hate it when people are mad at me." My tone was more accepting than ever.
"I will always forgive you Faith Hammel. Even if I just met you today." He let out a coughing laugh and I couldn't help but to laugh with him.
Time flew by as we talked about each girl he liked as a friend and girls he thought would make ugly babies with ugly guys. He told me that some of my teachers hide stashes of vodka in their desks to tune out the rest of their day. It was turning out into a great night when I looked at my bed side alarm clock.
"Oh shoot," I said biting my lip.
"What? Cinderella has to be in bed by midnight or her parents will know she snuck a boy into her room?" Arthur's breath was close by my cheek and I could feel my muscles tense up. Didn't he say we were just friends? He then blew a short breath in my ear and I closed my eyes to picture wind rushing in there and not him blowing in my ear. WIND? There is a god like guy in my room and I'm thinking about wind?
"Something like that I guess. I don't want them catching us up here and getting the wrong picture."
"Your right. I'm not to fond of your dad coming at me with a shot gun. Although I love the challenge."
"That's not funny! My dad can be scary when it comes to his firearms."
We met face to face nose almost touching. I looked into his eyes and the moon messed it up and turned it into ice.
"Would you mind if I kissed you right now?" Yeah when I was shaking like this I thought I would miss his lips. "Or would that make things complicated?"
"I wouldn't mind. I think it would complicate this situation more. I want to know if you really like me for me and not because of the whole power . You understand right? Friends until I say otherwise." He glanced at my eyes and stroked my cheek. If he thought he was leaving....he was certainly wrong.
"Yeah well I better get myself out of here before my parents come at me with firearms. They dont' know I left the house yet." He put a finger in front of his mouth like he was shushing me to keep a secret.
Climbing out of my window must have been easier than coming in. I watched to make sure he wouldn't fall off of my roof. That would be a law suit waiting to happen. Not to mention how I would have to explain that to my parents. 'No mom he was not in my room, He was just asking to use the bathroom and he fell off the tiny roof as he was leaving the house.' what the hell kind of excuse is that? I guess I was tired from today that I couldn't come up with good excuses.
Highly doubt my parents will believe me anyways. Arthur turned his back towards me to get a better look at the climb down. The moon made his skin soft and silk, which I couldn't help but to stare. The wind picked up his scent and brought it to my nose to tease me. (damn wind)
I coughed once which made him turn around to give me one last smirk.
"See you tomorrow in school. I want to see you tomorrow."
He jumped off my roof in one jump and landed on the ball of his feet. I watched him leap over my fence and run full speed in the night.
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