I haven't written to you in ages! Dunno why. Myspace is easier when it comes to this kinda...blogging...stuff. I guess. But I don't like the font and it's double spacing and crap. And I've neglected yooou. I'm sorry.
Anyway I have something amusing to tell you. You cute little inanimate computerized typing thing you! xD
What was it? Ergh.
Oh yeah. My mother got pissed at like...five Mexican dudes today. I went to Alberton's with her to help her shop and we were walking past the soft drink isle and there's a group of like...five Mexican males walking and having a good time just getting some grub.
And they see me. And they smile...weird. oO" They say stuff in spanish that I don't understand. They follow me for a bit, they keep looking back at me and saying stuff.
My mother gets weirded out. And nice and clearly she tells me "they're totally checking you out!"
Since WHEN does my mother do that? Since when do guys check me out? Never. Freaking weird. And my mother tells me "they think you're one red-hot little tortilla", now that is...odd. Just freaking odd. And uncomfortable.
I don't want guys checking me out, they aren't supposed to do that. Well not to me. I was totally modest, wearing this HUGE coat I found in the closet. I should take a pic, it's HUGE. And SHINY! ^^ Some converse rip offs and black jeans. Had two new pink pimples on my cheek (why does my boyfriend call my pimples cute? xx" wink and my hair wasn't brushed. So they could not have been checking me out. Tried to tell my mother that but she still insists.
They were trying to figure out my nationality. They switched check out lines and stood behind me for a little. Too close for my liking but I could hear them asking eachother stuff in spanish.
So finally we get our stuff out to the car and one of them tries speaking to me in spanish again asking a question or something. I dunno what they say so I just keep walking. I get in the car and my mom says "they were trying to figure out what you were and one of them finally said it."
Well that's nice. Nice to know no one knows my nationality. They thought I was freaking Mexican. Boy I stumped them til the last minute when one of them finally said "Filipino".
How sad is that that the most interesting thing in my day had to be...well, that? -.-"
Oookay I shall go catch the bus now.
Later Journal.
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