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x3 Tis' Private Businesses.es.
Roleplay Profiles. (Completed & Under Constr

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Insert Lyrics here

.x.Notches in the Bed__ 16
.x.The day all the pretties come__ January 29th
.x.I’m not Androgynous or am I__ Female
.x.I think I should be one higher__ 7th Year

.x.To those who would slander me__ [Personality]
.x.To those who would write about me__ [History]
.x.Oh please let it be__ [Loves and Lusts]
.x.Oh please!__ [Hates]

.x.Why yes that is a stick in my Pocket__ [Wand]
.x.No you may not cook it__ [Animal]
.x.I swear it is to protect me from Vampires__ Occasionally
.x.I like to sound smart__
.x.When ever I enter a room__ [Theme Song]

Insert Lyrics here

[U S E R N A M E]
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.:: Odette ::.

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B A S I C || I N F O R M A T I O N

Hello, My name is
    Angelique Ferrinas de la Moore

I Have Been on this Earth for About
    16 Years

I am of the
    Female Gender

I'm staying in dorm number
    Five - BLUE

I'm currently enrolled in grade number

C O L O R || M E || P R E T T Y

How I Normally Look
    Angelique is at the gracefully fitting 5 feet 6 inches. Accented with Prussian blue eyes that have a tendency to darken with the light, and bust-length honey-blond hair and a healthy, fair skin tone that one could consider a bit peach after a travel into the sun shine. Having the build of a determined ballet dancer, she tries to keep her weight between 107 to 121 pounds, adding on to her already delicate and whimsy frame. She keeps her body healthy at all times, so her body do have some kind of fat (much to her instructors’ dislike), not the disgusting cellulite you would find on someone else but enough to see the barest hint of rib in her normal clothing. Her butt is quite cushioned, and her bra size being a plump C-cup (again, much to her instructors’ dislike), that gives the faintest glimmer of an hour glass shape that one would find easy on the eye.

    Angie hardly gets any pimples, and if she does, she ‘kills’ them quickly with a shot of acne remover. Her face has been on the most part smooth and clear of bumps during her puberty stage so far, and she plans to keep it that way no matter what extremes she must go through to achieve it. Her cheeks have a faint glimmer of a faint rose color most of the time, and having acquired a heart-shaped face, she has two cute dimples on them whenever she give even the faintest of smiles. Because of countless years of dancing, she has a straight uptight posture, almost never slumping over when she sits or stands for long periods of time; feet straight, shoulders back, and body free of being tense but all the same straight like a soldiers. Her nails are never painted, since she tries to keep them in good healthy condition and lets them grow only a bit past the ends of the fingers.
    It could be considered almost an obsession, constantly filing and buffering them to maintain there their flawless appearance. As for her toenails, she keeps them nice, straight, and short, giving her feet a good pedicure every few days, but if one examines close enough they can see that they're a tad rough around the edges from use in ballet. It’s evident that she had a case of ‘flat-foot’ a few years ago, but since then Angelique has overall fixed the problem with hours of straight posture and self discipline.

    When dressing casually in public, she incorporates white with another color into her color scheme. For example, she would probably wear a babydoll t-shirt or a tanktop, a miniskirt that ends at least halfway down her legs, with heels or sneakers. She buys a lot of the same clothes in different colors, so the combination can come out anyway she wishes; A “mix-n-match” girl, so to speak. But usually, she either wears blue jeans (size 5, bishes) with a light blue tanktop and blue and white sneakers or mules on her feet, with white and blue jelly bracelets on her arms. Other times, she would wear a light white or cream sweater with a light blue or pink skirt or capris, with mules or 2-3 inch heels. She got adjustable heels on her high heels, so the height may vary from time to time. Angelique also wears Lolita, usually in Casual form, which would be a nice skirt with a petticoat underneath, nice shoes with tights or knee-highs, and a babydoll tee. If her outfits were any different, they will be mentioned. Angie might wear a headband on her hand, a bow, a cap, whatever she feels like wearing on her head she will wear it.
    During ballet class, she usually wears a white or baby pink or baby blue leotard, with white stockings and pink legwarmers on top. Her slippers would be white as well. During the class she would have her hair in either a bun or a ponytail, held together by a white scrunchie.

    One thing she wears all the time though, is a white wire-and-beaded choker on her neck. It never goes off.

Fairytale Appearance
    Angelique don’t need to worry much, when going into her character. As Odette from Swan Lake, she dons a white ballet outfit, which is complete with a dress, tights, hair accessories and shoes. She already maintains the fair appearance, and only sometimes she adds a bit of makeup to her face, like a bit of mascara, some blush, and lip gloss.

    Her outfit is simply magical. The dress’ bodice has beautiful white rose embroidery, the chest area displaying a beautiful decoration of real white feathers and pearl beads, the ends of the feathers pointing upwards. The same goes for the classical bell skirt; where the bodice ends and the skirt begins, there is a bunch of pure white feathers spreading outward a good couple of inches, with pearls carefully sewn in with it. Angelique would wear thigh-high tights, edged near the top with fine lace, under the matching satin pointe shoes. Then, there are wing attachments that will be on the back of the bodice, that are also covered with white feathers and pearls.

    When in costume, Angie would wear her hair in a braided bun, with pearl beads sewn to the bun with her own hair strands. Then, depending on the scene, she would wear either a circlet of white feathers on her head, or a silver tiara. For special effects, they would sprinkle glitter sparkles one her dress and some in her circlet, so which she dances it would flow off of her, not to mention it would make her outfit look even more enchanting.

Y O U || O U G H T || T O || K N O W

How I am
    Angelique is a social butterfly when she wants to be. Since she is one of the most talented dancers at the school, yeah of course she gets a lot of attention. But because of that attention, it is difficult for her to identify the good friends from the bad. In fact, there has been times in middle school and freshman year where she needed to vent or tell someone about her feelings, and that person told another person, and soon, the whole area would know about what happened, so since then she has stopped telling people her feelings, only for them to build up inside of her slowly.

    Even though she is popular, she would never talk about another person, unless rumors about her were passed around, and if she knew exactly who did it. Other than that, the girl is mostly quiet at times, when she sees a friend she doesn’t really say hi, probably only wave at them and keep on moving, especially when she’s by herself. But if she does speak, her voice isn’t weak; it is in fact really bold and strong. In class, she is one of the main students who would hold up a class debate, making sure everyone sees how she feels about the subject.

How I came to be
    Angelique was born in the city of Versailles, France, on rainy night in a religious church. Since she was a 1 year old, she was constantly working, mostly on speech and writing. Her parents made her learn sign language, having heard that it was helpful for the child to express herself. Once she spoke more French, she went straight to writing it. Half of her nursery school day would be work, while the other half would be play.

    Eventually, the little girl started watching more television, she discovered fairy tales in animation. Cartoon versions, real life versions, either kind she would act out the scenes in her own little room. Memorizing every word of the acts, she would often recite them when she played dolls. Once her parents noticed this, of course, they took her to acting classes, hoping she would be a child T.V. star. That plan didn’t work out, fortunately for 3-year-old Angelique. She despised the teachers, terrorizing them whenever she could, the other children in the sessions joining along with her at times. Often punished for wasting time and ‘precious’ money, she would sit in the hallways of the institution on a weekly basis. They couldn’t expel her, when they were getting her parent’s money in return.
    Sometime around the next Christmas or so, Angie and her parents went to see The Nutcracker recital. The little girl was just one word: enchanted. That might have been the night she decided she knew what she wanted to do, but after that night she constantly begged her mother and father for pictures, videos, and costumes for ballet. Every time a ballet performance was going to play in town, she had to go. Had to. Her favorites were Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, and Swan Lake. When she hit 7, her parents put her in a ballet after-school program. After that, she pushed herself to be perfect in ballet. Always wanting to be the protagonist, when she was accepted to this mystical school she knew she was finally worthy of the part of Odette. But she was unhappy with the popularity.

S O M E || O T H E R || I N F O R M A T I O N

Some of my favorite things are
  • Strawberry Shortcake – best with peppermint whipped cream and egg nog ice cream.
  • White – For some reason she’s infatuated with it along with light colors
  • Egg nog ice cream – If only it had alcohol in it…
  • Silk – It feels… orgasmic.
  • Kitties and puppies – Just like humans—they’re cute when they’re young.
  • Brownies – Those fudgey bastards make her want to eat nonstop.
  • Lolita – It’s too girly of a fashion style NOT to wear!
  • Concerts – Whether it be instruments, voice, or dance, she loves art.
  • Partying – Nothing better than a good weekend party to go to!

Some of the things that I loathe are
  • Dihonest people – Chickenheads and fake people can stay away from Angie. Far away.
  • Black – It’s so ‘goth’ to her.
  • Squid, Octopus, and Crocodile – Let them show up in her sushi and see what happens.
  • Cold chocolate milk – Ever since the school decided to sell fat free milk she stopped liking the taste.
  • Cliques – If you have to be around a person 24/7, then don’t bother to speak to this girl.
  • Waterbugs – Self-explanatory. D:
  • Pepper – She was always the one to sneeze.

There's something else you ought to know
    Angelique has enough “friends”. If you want to be a true friend to her, prove it. Want her love? Fight for it.



  • Name: Imai Date

  • Age: 17

  • Gender: Female

  • Birthday: January 17th

  • Nationality: Balamb

  • Ethnicity: Estharian/Galbadian

  • Height: 5'6"

  • Weight: 138 lbs.

  • Sexual Preference: Passively Bisexual

  • Relationships:

    • Eiji Date: Imai's twin brother and rival.

  • Appearance: Picture or description

  • Personality: Being the 'weaker' gender, Imai constantly tries to come out above her brother, whether it'd be combat and strategy on a field, or simply painting a picture. Because of this, she have the traits of a perfectionist, to the extreme.

    In the public eye, she tries her best to stick out. Unlike her brother, she speaks her thoughts (more like shouting actually). Most of her friends are like this, and in that circle she picks up small things to add to the boastful nature of her second personality. Because of her rude behavior towards others, she often lands herself in trouble. It doesn't help that she's a street fighter, either. Luckily for her, the level of intelligence and skill she possesses sticks out on her transcript more than the bad marks.

    In her own private space however, she is almost always thinking deep in thought. Her body loosens and relaxes, regaining the postures of the dancer she has been for years. Only once in a blue moon, during those relaxing periods, does she go to her brother for help.

  • Hobbies: Imai tries to exhaust herself with things to do, like fighting in the Training Center or out on the field, even street fighting in Balamb when she is not allowed to do so. Some of her most favored activities however, is dancing (it doesn't matter what style it is), and playing a violin. When she is not in her competitive state, she finds the time to play it to her brother's piano music.

  • Theme Song(s):

  • Title: Cadet

  • Primary Weapon: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0b/XM8-Poster.jpg

  • Secondary Weapon(s): http://www.mwart.com/images/p/Medieval_Daggers_Knights_Swordbreaker_2206_114.jpg

  • Weapon Name: The name of your primary weapon, the name(s) of your secondary weapon(s) may be added as well.

  • Weapon Description: Describe all of your characters weapons, primary and secondary.

  • Limit Break Name: The name of your limit break.

  • Limit Break Description: Nothing overly strong, your characters can grow.

  • Para-magic: There is a limit of five level one para-magic. No –ra or –ga, ultima, flare or other overly strong magic.

  • GF: Garuda [female]

  • Element: Garuda --- Wind/Aerial

  • GF Attack:

    Garuda is a flying, Wind-based GF that has a number of attacks. In order to keep a fight fair, the GF’s move will be determined by random number selection. Using Gaia’s random number post, it will select a number between 1 and 8, and the number that pops up will be the attack the GF will use.

      Random Numbers:
      • 1 – Aerial Blast:

        • Garuda spins up very high into the air before stopping and facing the opponent, where she begins to generate a sphere-like energy ball with her wings, while ‘holding’ it in place with her arms. Once it is almost twice her size, she lets it go, giving it more power as she pushes it away with her wings creating more wind against it. Once it is far enough [half-way between her and the opponent], she swoops down and chases it at high-speed, headbutting it with extreme force. The ball of energy goes maximum speed and hits the opponent.
          --- Massive Damage, All Enemies

      • 2 – Claw:

        • Physical claw attack. Garuda strikes the opponent once.
          --- Moderate Damage, One Random Enemy Target

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      • 3 – Aerial Armour:

        • Garuda gives all party members the effect of Brink. From a high position, she softly sends wind towards the party, the wind engulfing them in a shield made of air currents.
          --- Supports whole Party

          • Blink: A spell that, when cast on a character, gives the said character protection from the next physical attack that would hit them. It causes that attack to automatically miss. Blink can be dispelled by a dispel effect, a successful physical attack (which will be negated by Blink), or if the protected target is hit with a multi-target physical or magical ability.

      • 4 – Aero II:

        • Wind-based Elemental Spell. Garuda creates a small gust with her wings to damage the opponents.
          --- Moderate Damage, All Enemy Targets

      • 5 – Whispering Wind

        • Garuda blows softly out of her mouth towards the party members at ground level. The wind enters the characters’ lungs and revitalizes them.
          --- Restores massive HP, All party members

      • 6 – Hastega:

        • Garuda casts Hastega on the group by appearing behind them and blowing a ferocious wind at their backs, where the wind will engulf them and then disperse.
          ---Supports Whole Party

      • 7 – Aero IV:

        • Wind-based Elemental Spell. Garuda claws herself to the floor on her hands and feet, begins to flag her wings hastily, creating a tornado. While she is in the eye of the tornado, she releases herself from the ground and dances in the tornado, while it hits the opponents and damages them.
          ---Massive Damage, All Enemy Targets.

      • 8 – Predator Claws:

        • This is like a continuation of Aero IV. While she is in the tornado, not only does it hit the opponents, but suck them up as well, moving them towards Garuda. She will then slash at each opponent three times, before the tornado dies and drops them down.
          --- Massive Damage, All Enemy Targets

  • Bio: Ever since she was a child, her life was full of competition. Being one of the children to a renowned ballet dancer, people always expected her to be the same; a star, a dancer who would have everyone kissing her feet for her skills as a performing artist. They expected the same from her twin Eiji, and because of that, they would compete against each other at times when it came to dancing. When they were able to go to programs to learn, they were almost always in the same class, so she was taught in the performing arts at the same time as Eiji. Even though she was excellent at the violin and the piano after a while, her singing lessons weren’t doing so well and eventually she dropped it, after growing weary of the continuous strep infections.

    Once Eiji began to take ballet lessons, so did Imai. As expected out of the two, they became excellent dancers. From there they studied different forms of dance, from oriental-styles to third-world traditional dances, and other moves passed down from ancient times. When it came time for the twins’ first performance ever, they proved themselves worthy of international fame (or so people thought that way), but Imai did not like the shared glory and desired praise that only belonged to her. From then on, the ‘friendly competitions’ between the two became a more serious matter to her, to the point where she would overwork herself at times and tire out. This continued on until she learned how to control her energy better. With that urge to be superior out of the two, she began singing again, which she eventually mastered after becoming more tolerant to strep and other throat sicknesses that she dreaded as a tiny girl.

    Once she noticed that her brother was catching up in the ‘game’, Imai began to work harder, at the same time trying to bring her brother down by pointing out mistakes and little things. The two began to argue more as Eiji began to stand up for himself and become protective of himself, but when it came to other kids, she eventually had to protect him because he wasn’t strong enough to defend himself physically, even if he would go off quick like a rocket when someone insulted him. In order to protect him, she began to practice street-fighting with friends, in a quiet place where the adults could not see them. After all, fighting was really frowned upon in Fisherman’s Horizon.

    When their father noticed his weakness, he began to spend more time with Eiji, leaving Imai alone at times. During his disappearances, those kids would come back to Imai to jump her, but she always ended up kicking a**, even though it was harder that there weren’t the both of them fighting together. Imai began to become jealous of their father-son moments, disliking her brother a bit more after a while. One day, the twins had gotten into a huge fight, with the girl-twin emerging victorious, and the boy-twin left crying with a busted lip, a black ring by his eye and a cookie on his face. That moment, along with a dance practice later on that same month, their father once again paid more attention to Eiji and helped him build up physical strength. No matter what she did, Imai didn’t receive the same attention as her brother, and trained harder both at fighting and at dancing. They disappeared for days, sometimes weeks, on ‘business trips’, and Imai became lonely and depressed being at home with only her mother, who became stricter when it came to the girl’s dancing.

    When Balamb Garden had crashed into their home, Imai was one of the first to help them get back on their feet by bringing supplies to the place. There, she looked around the Garden, watching, and eventually practicing with some of the students who weren’t shaken up by the sudden attack they miraculously avoided. It was only a little interesting to her, until she saw the fights between the Balamb SeeDs with the Galbadian soldiers and the giant machina that had attacked their home. There, with her brother, she decided she wanted to attend the school, to become great like Squall Leonhart and his friends. Imai was even a little glad that they were exiled from FH, that ‘old, boring place’, and immediately the twins double-teamed and begged and pleaded and cried (like little children do) so they can move to Balamb. Their plan succeeded.

    Imai had constantly tried to convince her father to sign her up for Garden before her brother did, but he rejected. When their father saw that the son had an interest in going there also, she was allowed to go, as long as they stayed together and he protected her (the reverse would most likely happen there, though). So between then and when they began to attend the school, the Father finally decided to shed some light on Imai by teaching her how to use a gun. Un-ladylike, yes, but would their father even allow her to walk in with a lance or ninja stars or something ridiculous? By the time they began attending Balamb Garden, she was pretty good at gun fighting, though not perfect as she had hoped. She continues to practice on her own time in the Training Center, away from the lousy, rowdy friends she gained, the after-school clubs she joined. Not to mention the unwanted attention as an excellent street fighter and a ‘superb’ musician, singer and dancer, no thanks to the Garden Festival Committee, which she now avoids after 4 years of working with them and actually making the Festival more popular with her brother.

    She plans to find any and every way of being at the top, above her mother, father, and her brother.

Role-play sample: This must be sent in!


;;i may look like a princess,...>

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[ x~Lolita Princess~x ]

hello, my name is [ Angelique Ferrinas Choiseul-Drossellmeyer ],
SPACESPACESPACEbut you can call me [ Angie ].

layer one
the winning number: 1'm too young for 9ou, of course. Or am I?
last i checked: Wait, what did Lolita mean, again?
swing, swing: Eww, Boys...
deep & wide: 160 cm, 117 lbs.
like what you see?: Can Two different browns match?

layer two
see what you like:
    Talkative, Elegant, Snobbish, Elite, but has a more complex side underneath.

marking territory:
    'Beauty marks':

    • one on the right side of the back
    • Another at the collarbone
    • Yet one more near the back of the neck.

no one loves you:

  • People who walk too slow in front of her.
  • Nasty-mouthed little kids. A.K.A. Her little brother &Co.
  • Bugs, with the exception of butterflies. They're pretty. <3
  • Pigeons. Ew.
  • Humidity makes her sticky and her hair limp.

like i love you:

  • Lolita Fashion
  • Boys
  • Flowers, and other colorful plants.
  • Tea
  • The Springtime. Not too hot, and not too cold.

the little things:

  • If she doesn’t have her tea everyday, don’t have money in her reach, or can’t interact with others during the day, she tends to freak.
  • She’s monophobic. She pretends her teddy bear is a real person when she’s alone, so she wouldn’t realize that she’s completely alone.
  • Whiteface. A.k.a., someone who cakes their face with makeup.
  • She’s also mysophobic. Dirt makes her cry.
  • And so does lightning. Yep, she’s astrophobic, too.

the big picture:

  • Hanging out with friends
  • Torturing those lower-class kids who are not up to her standards.
  • Sewing or making sweets.
  • Sleeping and dreaming.
  • Going to restaurants with friends or family.
  • Listening to classical music or pop.
  • Hosting occasional tea or dinner parties.

layer three
it's what i do: Freshman--- college student
toucha touch me: One day, when she feels like it. Maybe that will be soon?
family matters:

  • Marie LaCoeur Choiseul // Mother Forty-Two
  • Stefhan Drossellmeyer // Father Forty-Nine
  • Jean-Jules Choiseul-Drossellmeyer // Younger Brother Seven
  • Sheryl Renmas Choiseul-Drossellmeyer// Younger Sister 29 months

for the history books:
    The ‘Angel’ was born on January 29th, 1990. She was born rich, raised rich, and will most likely die rich. A not-so-spoiled brat as her info may not show, she is a complex person, inside and out, and perhaps all around. The said things may be how she acts towards people on the outside world, but what about the world inside her head?

    Many find her weird because of her fashion sense. She is a Lolita, and not that of Nabokov's story. She first started loving the fashion when she was only about 12, and has been a dedicated lover of the style since then thanks to her father’s money. Nothing important is worth saying before that time, other than the time she flipped for finding out her mother was pregnant with her little brother.
    Yes, people picked on her in elementary and middle school, just for them to be picked on back. With money always in her pockets, she hired 'bodyguards' to protect her, since she'd much rather not dirty her hands to 'a peasant'. There was even a couple of times where she defended herself, where she hit a kid with her parasol. Against the head and the crotch, she basically sent him crying. There are also certain moments that were very violent, but was never heard of, mysteriously.

    When she arrived as a freshman in high school, she instantly received friends, some 'open-minded' people, as they described themselves. They wanted to be like her, to live their dream that she was living. A motherly figure then, she taught these girls the ways of a Lolita, where to buy and how to sew. Some of them became wonderful examples, (not more than her, of course) and they became even closer through sophomore year. Those who failed however... did not receive the attention or love that the others have gotten, let alone what they used to have. Yes, those failures did not come up to Angie's standards. Friends were never really important to her, until she met those specific people., her 'children'. Those who failed her ‘test’, were subject to a lot of self-esteem killing insults from the girl.

    That is, she continued that until she met Jimmy and the rest of them. Angie met the guy in the middle of her sophomore year, when he had constantly made jokes in AP English and got kicked out the class. She wasn’t sure about what made her laugh more, him getting kicked out or his jokes, but later that day she spoke to him for the first time. From that moment on, she hung out with him more, being introduced to everyone else and making friends, even when some of the kids weren’t in her interest. Even after he left the school and is in college, they still stood close as always. Soon afterwards, she graduated as well, and on to college. (Unfortunately for her, it wasn't very high-class.)

    That brings us to the present.

layer four
all work and no play: Amanikitty
a caged animal: Leopard
taste the rainbow: #ff3366
rock & roll: Valse de La Lune

< ,,,but looks can be deceiving;;

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