Guess what? I finally sustained my first injury of the year. Well, it's not so serious. I hope. Today after school, I was standing up and talking to my friends who were sitting on the flowerbed, under the shade of the tree. I was on my cell with my mom just to make sure where she was picking me up. So I turn to the front of the school to see if I could get across the street yet. All of a sudden, something snaps in my left knee and causes me to fall. I had to sit on the ground while my knee was puncturing me with pain here and there around my knee.

Marie goes off to tell someone that I hurt myself. Then Nicolle thought I was faking it so I hit her. As I was waiting for one of school nurses to inspect me, I sat on the ground trying to move my knee. As I moved it, I felt the pain. Finally, the nurse came and helped me to stand up. My knee was swollen a little and I could limp around just fine. It hurt to put my weight on my left leg though. Apparently, I tore some of my tissues and it could be a little while to heal. Whoopee. </sarcasm>