Nevada Day was yesterday so everyone had the day off. Well, maybe except the hospital and such important places like that so my dad had to go to work. My sister is in Colorado for the rest of the weekend because she has this interview with the graduate college there. So on Friday, it was just my mom and I in our house. It felt so empty even though my house isn't that big... confused

Anyway I spent all of yesterday on the computer. Well, for the events on Gaia, who wouldn't? Before the whole Grunny invasion thing, I was just bumping in my friends' quest threads. I also made a couple of signs for Le Pepe since she is on a quest to try and get as many signs before the end of the year. XD But I did take a break for an hour to play SaGa Frontier. Then I went back onto Gaia half and hour before the event started.

Now that this Grunny event is running, I'm trying to hard to get as much as I can. Even as we speak, I have another window open and bumping to get some Grunnies. xd I'm bumping in a thread where we are trying to reach a goal that steadily climbs higher. It's really helpful. I am currently at 230 Grunnies and on Stage 3. And my avi looks so wasted and stoned because of my Grunny infection. o.O It's actually kind of creepy.

But anyway, (God, I really like saying "anyway"... sweatdrop ) my friends want me to go Trick or Treating with them but I'm not going to go. Why? Well, for starters, I haven't gone Trick or Treating since the fifth grade. And I really don't want to spend all that time trying to come up with a costume. And not only that...even if I don't go Trick or Treating, I still get candy after Halloween. My local drugstores have sales to get rid of any leftover candy and my mom goes around buying them for my family and the Philippines.

I've been having fun for the past nine days with my new iPod as well. I now have 731 songs and 4269 more songs to fill up. sweatdrop I don't listen to much music and msot of it is Japanese anyway. (But of course, I have several English bands.) My iPod will never be filled up unlike my sister, who is actually starting to run out of room on hers. (You can tell she listens to a lot of music because her desk is filled with CDs!) eek I've even had the pleasure of bringing my new favorite electronic device to school to listen during PE, Spanish, and Biology. 4laugh

Oh! I forgot to mention! During the first site forum disabled thing, I went into Gaia Towns since that was the only other thing we really could do during the down time. I was wandering a neighborhood when I see this butterfly fly past my avi. From all the little guides to the different types of bugs and all, I recognized it to be a Great Monarch!! eek It was so awesome! I whipped out my net and snagged it. Afterwards, I gave it to that robot thing and it put it into my inventory. You should have seen me rejoicing! Then I put it up in the Marketplace for 30,000G. It was sold today!! mrgreen It was so cool. So I bought the #0000FF Complex Jacket I was questing for and then bought my Staff of the Angels! heart This is almost as good as the time as I was able to get five of the items in my wishlist in one day. =O I believe it was the CoCo Kitty, BTK, Lift Messenger Bag, Black Net Top, and something else that I can't remember.

Ooh...I can't wait until Trick or Treating tomorrow! I hear that not only are we able to ToT in the shops but also in Gaia Towns! Now that's an interesting thing. I really would like to know how to do that. It'll be so much fun! My costume for this year on Gaia will be one of those Happy Ghosts. And everyone has been going crazy over those Refurbished sheets! They were all over the Marketplace as well.

Anyway, I have to go catch more Grunnies so I'll be taking my leave. I also have to remember to find another synonym for "anyway". I use it WAAAYYY too much.