- Title: Sometimes It Rains
- Artist: Ixxis
- Description: Lain lies in an alley and waits for the End of All Things.
- Date: 04/17/2004
- Tags: othersoriginal
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Amarante_Sk8er - 04/17/2004
- A little scary, but I like it.
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- Kovvin - 04/17/2004
- The lighting effects are awesome.
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- jbmoncheechi - 04/17/2004
- is this character about to shoot himself because he is not drawn well???
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- cryptic_lord10 - 04/17/2004
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- Moncheechi - 04/17/2004
- this is cool.. like the coloring
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- Violent Violet - 04/17/2004
- Whoaaaa, kickass. I can tell you spent a long time on this. Great work!
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- KawaiiCerberus - 04/17/2004
- wow, this looks like a realy cartoon.
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