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  • Arenas
  • The White Queen
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: The White Queen
  • Artist: Arii Heart
  • Description: I just figured it would be fun to enter an avi as the White Queen... since everyone else has done the Queen of Hearts, Mad Hatter and such... below are the links to the images I used.

  • Date: 03/06/2010
  • Tags: white queen
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • The Dysfunctional Bee - 03/09/2010
  • I'd suggest using the "White Cobweb Gloves", it makes it seem like it has that sheer glitter covered sleeves as the Queen has in the picture. Also, I'd suggest the brown version of those eyes mixed with this make up - http://www.tektek.org/avatar/35299423. Lastly, I'd suggest switching your current necklace to "Ritzy White Pearl Neck", it looks a lot like hers and adds a little touch to the front that looks like her corset beading.
  • Arii Heart - 03/08/2010
  • The hair color may not be exact, but I wanted the style of the hair to be the correct part... if I had the cheaper hairstyle I could have had the "platinum" look... but it wouldn't have suited the avi...
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