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  • Arenas
  • Iron Man 2: War Machine!
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Iron Man 2: War Machine!
  • Artist: Name Not Required
  • Description: Yo, this is James "Rhodey" Rhodes, baby. And I am here to say, this is me. -does a 360 spin- Don't like it, fine. Tell me so. Let me know what I need to ask Tony for. You know the drill! Love it? Let me know that too! Give Rhodey some love!
  • Date: 05/14/2010
  • Tags: ironman warmachine marvel tonystark rhodey
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • SirTaylorTheNude - 05/27/2010
  • @tiny i would give this a second, hell maybe id just sit here and look at it for 5 minutes even if the movie hadnt just come out. its a great cosplay thats why it won. just because youre immature and dont like that something youre not a fan of won, doesnt mean it isnt a great cosplay and that anyone feels the same way as you do. id really like to hear your thoughts on how this doesnt look like the ref pic...
  • disney tv - 05/27/2010
  • you only won because the movie just came out. no one would give this a second glance if the movie didn't come out recently. this cosplay is boring and it doesn't even look like the ref pic. :/
    oh and nice set abuse. C:
  • zae26 - 05/26/2010
  • Congratz...lol 2 iron man characters on the top ten, but obviously this on was gonna win, cuz black is awesome lol
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