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  • Arenas
  • Hellsing - Sir Integra
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Hellsing - Sir Integra
  • Artist: Master Iason Mink
  • Description: Sir Integra Hellsing is a 23-year-old noblewoman member of the Protestant Knights who is the head and last member of the Hellsing family, the Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization, and the current master of Hellsing's vampire, Alucard. Integra is usually a collected individual, rarely allowing her emotions to get in the way of business. However, she is sometimes prone to fits of anger.

    (I know the jacket isn't perfect, but there is no other green jacket on Gaia that would work.)
  • Date: 10/18/2009
  • Tags: hellsing integra
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Master Iason Mink - 10/19/2009
  • @Everyone: I will state this again for those who do not know, the eye patch is for an eye injury that occurred during the series. I could not find a decent reference image for it which is why I settled with the given reference image.
  • nidget - 10/19/2009
  • I've started reading Hellsing but I don't get the eyepatch...maybe I'm not there yet?
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