- Title: Rocky Horror's Columbia
- Artist: Sunraiser
EDDIE! *squeal*
XD Lawl. ♥
Did the absolute best I could with what items Gaia has. Also please don't tell me I should have used the fishnets. They weren't THAT apparent in the film, the socks were a more appropriate choice. That and the light blue socks don't layer with the the fishnets. I've -tried.- .___.; *shrug*
- Date: 01/18/2010
- Tags: rocky horrors columbia
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Comments (4 Comments)
- havockitty - 01/25/2010
oh rocky horror how i love thee
good job, the fishnets are impossible to layer so i understnd why you didnt use them. 5/5 here - Report As Spam
- HellfireSamurai - 01/25/2010
- This is sweet ! I can't stand watching the movie all that much but this is just great. Great job and thanks for the vote on my Green Ranger. I definitely give this 5/5
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- Sunraiser - 01/25/2010
- Ty! Rated and commented! ♥
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- Player Shino - 01/25/2010
5/5!~ x33
[ Fav'd ]
You are epic win x3
Vote back?
- Shino - Report As Spam