Comments (7 Comments)
- The Walking Doge - 07/29/2010
- Don't let her bother you, Trixsy is always butt hurt after she doesn't place >.> 5/5 ^^
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- Trixsy - 07/29/2010
- Just because Kanoko's Nightmares has Kanoko shaped eyes doesn't mean you should use them in place of something accurately colored. Also, the St. Baldur's uniform skirt would likely be a better choice. This is just nitpicky, but it would have been cool if you had done something to show her holding fabric like in the ref image you chose. It's cute, just not accurate enough, and considering that it's a relatively simple outfit that's a big deal.
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- Paperworm - 07/29/2010
- cute =D
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- DDrox316 - 07/28/2010
- extremely cuh-uuutee smile
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- Kenzie Vargas - 07/28/2010
its very good but the eyes are red
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- Radioactivo - 07/28/2010
awesome x3
5/5 - Report As Spam
- HeartSeeker Sora - 07/28/2010
- change tags. she not using set. she using the wig. that's it. i'd give you a 4.5/5 if I could, but, i will be giving you 4/5. shoes are too bulky and i think you could've use that other uniform plaid skirt. good luck. biggrin
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