- Title: Freakazoid!
- Artist: XiaraRose
The show's title character is the superhero alter ego of geeky sixteen-year-old Dexter Douglas who attends Harry Connick High School. Gaining his abilities from a computer bug, Freakazoid has enhanced strength and endurance, extraordinary speed, agility, and negligible amounts of sanity~ wikipedia.com
I went with the red shirt and pants combinations rather than longjohns because gaia has a glitch in where the blue body dye cannot be combined together with the red long johns item. - Date: 08/06/2012
- Tags: freakazoid
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Larxene XII Savage Nymph - 08/15/2012
Very nice! 5/5
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- MoonAisha - 08/14/2012
- my childhood ! XD
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- Main Event38 - 08/14/2012
There's only one kind of awesome person that could pull this of, and that my friend, is you. B]
500/5 - Report As Spam
- AquaSorceress - 08/14/2012
- o.o XIARA?! Haha! XD Where does the time go? Also, awesome avi ish awesome owo 5/5 XD
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- x- iH i k a r u -x - 08/13/2012
- You win at least four of my childhoods.
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- Chris The Phoenix Blader - 08/13/2012
"Freakazoid, chimpanzee!"
Sorry, couldn't help it! I miss that lovable idiot superhero! - Report As Spam
- XiaraRose - 08/13/2012
- There is no such thing as a uniform red outfit on Gaia, so that's why I went with them. I went with the most matching of colors that I possibly could. Plus white boots on gaia are too feminine! I did originally want red long-johns for his uniform but then there was a glitch that would not let me put blue body dye with it without taking one or the other off. smile Thanks for the comments. biggrin
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