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  • Arenas
  • Kung Fury
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Kung Fury
  • Artist: Merrin Rose
  • Description: "I'm a cop from the future, sent back in time to kill Hitler."

    Kung Fury is an action comedy short film about a kung fu cop from 1985 who goes back in time to fight Hitler and the Nazis. Does that make any sense? NO?! Good, now you're starting to get it. The film is basically everything that was awesome about the 80s turned up to 11.

    Reference link:

  • Date: 01/08/2017
  • Tags: kung fury cosplay
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Comments (1 Comments)
  • QueeniePMonkey - 01/10/2017
  • my ONLY suggestion for improvement would be to add a cityscape background of some sort. There are several that might work well with this. Though personally, I think "cloudy Distant Memories" would be the best fit. If you could pull a screen shot (maybe during one of his back story scenes, just before his original partner eats it-) you could really tie everything together. As is, though, this is still a really good entry with nice attention to detail.
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