- Title: Kisuke Urahara!
- Artist: tobi XD
- Description: Yep, its me, professor cha0s. this is my new account. most of you liked my sasuke shippuden cosplay from last week, so im back with a bleach cosplay. those of you who watch bleach know who this is. ^^ lol
- Date: 05/04/2008
- Tags: cosplayer greenbuckletrenchhat blackeyestripetattoo shadowspiritshadowofdoubt dashing
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Xx_fun4all_xX - 04/28/2008
- Thats a pretty cool avatar
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- RageWithinMe4000 - 04/28/2008
- so nice ava
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- gazette fan14 - 04/28/2008
- bleach rocks!!!! u so get a 10!!!!!!
- Report As Spam
- numb527284 - 04/28/2008
- 10/10 =]
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- The Colour out of Space - 04/28/2008
You're very lucky I'm not downrating you for
spamming forums. - Report As Spam
- tobi XD - 04/28/2008
if you dont give me a ten... then ..... give me an
8 >> - Report As Spam
- Nasuh - 04/28/2008
- very nice avatar with good colours combination
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