- Artist: anchy
- Description: I don't have nothing to say.
- Date: 07/23/2006
- Tags: yeah
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- La Pengu - 07/19/2006
Congratulation! You are the third person on Gaia
to have put 1k in the garbage can! Well done! - Report As Spam
- xXxDark_VampiressxXx - 07/19/2006
Its okay i guess
May I suggest
more items
and less starter items
might help a bit
heart Rate back! please - Report As Spam
- Kimatoshi - 07/19/2006
- cute!
- Report As Spam
- Dragonofthefullmoon - 07/19/2006
wait...thsi is just calling for sick ******** who
want to bang little girls...*twitches and backs
away slwoly*O.o...1/10 - Report As Spam
- joycute - 07/19/2006
- simple but cute! 10/10
- Report As Spam
- _Becca_Loves_Baby_Mew_ - 07/18/2006
AHHHH! I'm soooo tired of all you no0bs entering
with thesse clothes and saying "Yeah, it's free,
but at least it's original!!!!" If you think that
THAT is original, then man, you must not really
look at other people (*cough* no0bs *cough*) If
you were to buy these clothes, it would total 6g.
Come on!! If you really want to be original, try
buying some clothes that actually cost something!
And that actually MATCH. Okay. I'm done being
harsh . . . - Report As Spam
- LariaKaiba - 07/18/2006
It is a great SAMPLE of FREE clothes... check your
grammar and get some real clothes before you enter
the arena... this was a big waste of 1k. - Report As Spam