- Title: Lizard Digger
- Artist: Lydeth
"I LIKE DIGGING. @-o;;;"
The happiest mythical lizard creature that ever lived. Just give her a pile of dirt to frolic in and she'll be your best friend.
Don't stick anything in her mouth. Though it may be tempting, she bites.
-She waves her shovel gleefully- - Date: 09/03/2006
- Tags: green lizard gwee mythicalbeastfromgreenland
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Comments (7 Comments)
- SeaDragonLife - 09/02/2006
O.o Wow. Your Description frightens me. I REALLY
want to see this Avatar next time, so when you
enter it, but before it goes to voting, click edit
your submission, and check to see if you can see
it. If you can't, delete your entry, and reenter.
It worked for me. Sorry about your gold....T.T - Report As Spam
- boo033 - 09/01/2006
- cant see it 7/10
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- joyyy - 09/01/2006
A X, WOOPEE! - Report As Spam
- Bakames - 08/31/2006
Try editing it now or something ):
Aw thats too
bad. - Report As Spam
- [b00nanah-magik] - 08/31/2006
- D: aww its a x
- Report As Spam
- GlamxShock - 08/31/2006
- Report As Spam
- DarkAngel2009 - 08/29/2006
- red x sad
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