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  • Arenas
  • Dark Alchemist
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  • Title: Dark Alchemist
  • Artist: life refrain
  • Description: After i've been kidnapped far away from my family, i've met this person named Circe and he said he would help me get back on a certain task to the land of dead and find treasure. Luckily on the way i got these powers from an Alchemist and found th treasure and gave it back. After that she brang me there to get these powers for the path going to my land Ithaca and she wanted the treasure. so now i'm traveling with the armor and powers i got to travel on my homeland but once i got there, my power
  • Date: 03/09/2008
  • Tags: wings handwraps alchemybook blackgothpants yellowmehtrotwithcross
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