Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Looking for Angels Part 5 of 5
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Looking for Angels Part 5 of 5
  • Artist: Anhelitta De Celine-Val
  • Description: I became a savior to some kids I'll never meet. Sent a check in the mail to buy them something to eat. What will you do to make a difference, to make a change? What will you do to help someone along the way? Just a touch, a smile as you turn the other cheek. Pray for your enemies, humble yourself, love's staring back at me. In the midst of the most painful faces, angels show up in the strangest of places.
  • Date: 02/14/2010
  • Tags: looking angels part
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • IoI Sparkle IoI - 02/21/2010
  • When you say mind rating back please, people will search your name. They will then go to your gallery and see all of them rather than your most recent one. I was actually curious myself what the other parts were, so I checked them all out myself.
  • Anhelitta De Celine-Val - 02/21/2010
  • That is true but I usually just say mind rating back please? and never really specify unless its a rarely done cosplay that people have no idea who I am talking about.
  • IoI Sparkle IoI - 02/21/2010
  • Because you are using parts, so if you say this avatar is part 5 out of 5, they will want to see the other parts as well
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