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  • Artist Info: Wow! Gaia has changed so much since the last time I was up here. Pretty crazy how a few years can change a site.<br />
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    So, I am now 25 and a college graduate. Despite the race/gender of my avatar, I am a Korean-American man (Female avatars have so many more options). I live just south of Atlanta where I work as a manager of a restaurant. I am also lucky enough to have recently formed a relationship with a very lovely lady. /)^3^( <br />
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    I pretty much like all genres of music with the exception of country music and 'swag' rappers since most songs of either genres are about the same thing. To me the 80's were the golden age of music with most of my favorite songs/bands of every genre are from that era.<br />
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    I like watching movies and I have a particular soft spot for action and horror movies from the 70's and 80's no matter how cheesy (Back when Hollywood was willing to take chances on original ideas). Some of my favorite movies include Inglorious Basterds, Pulp Fiction, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Robocop, Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, This is The End, Hot Fuzz, and Ghostbusters.<br />
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    I like video games and spend a lot of my free time playing them. Some of my favorite game series include Mass Effect, the Batman Arkham series, Resident Evil, Bioshock, Castlevania, Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, Metal Gear Solid, and Pokemon. Though I usually stick to modern console gaming, thanks to people like The Angry Video Game Nerd and Markiplier I have been trying to experiment with retrogaming and computer gaming and finding some of my new favorite games as a result.<br />
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    When it comes to anime, I'm a pretty picky person. I generally don't like animes that have more than 26 episodes or more than 5 main characters as they usually have copious amounts filler and no character development. Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo have much to teach anime writers. <br />
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    I'm a regular at Georgia's anime/gaming/comic book conventions like DragonCon, MomoCon, and A.W.A. My past cosplays include Lt. Surge, The Shredder, Commander Cobra, John Marston, and the classic Rocket Grunt. I also attend other costumed events like the Georgia Renaissance Festival. I guess I just really like to dress up.<br />
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    My time on Gaia is usually spent trying to make my countless Dream Avatars, buying Avi Art, messing around in the Rally, and spamming Pirate Faces in the MPT. pirate <br />
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