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  • Artist Info: Vash Higgins has had a long and eventful life. Originally a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars, he accidentally discovered how to travel to different dimensions and locations using the Force. When Order 66 was activated, Vash's Clone's turned on him, and he fled the dimension. For the next couple hundred years he wandered from dimension to dimension (since leaving your own dimension shuts down the aging process) becoming the best in what ever he set his mind on. From Pokemon Trainer, Dragon Ball hunter, to being hunted.... the list goes on and on. Finally, about 50 years ago, he came across Gaia's universe, and discovered a land that he could come to love... maybe. So he settled down, and took up a variety of jobs. These ranged from a busboy at a restaurant, to a law enforcement officer with the Gaia Rangers. Whenever an uprising took place, he was always on the front lines, either leading death deifying charges, or helping over whelmed medics keep up with the injured. During the Four species war that broke out during Halloween '08, Vash lost his right arm to an elf who was slightly faster than he was. Determined to retire after the fighting stopped, he resumed his role as a Jedi after hordes of previously inanimate objects suddenly become animated. While he survive this latest war? Only the future may tell.<br />
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    Vash's weapons are a lightsaber, 2 M1911 pistols, and martial arts skills<br />
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    WARNING: Some parts of this profile might be offensive. Viewer discretion is adviced.
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