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  • Artist Info: Ok a more indepth look at me, it's about time I updated this >.>;<br />
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    My name's Marcus razz I'm 19 and currently attending my second (crappy) semester of college at the Savannah College of Art and Design. I'm not sure about my major yet, but something probably to do with computers. My home will always be Louisiana. I also have a beach house I go to in the summer that's in Provincetown, MA.<br />
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    I love Red Beans and Rice, I hate seafood. I love anime, but I hate reality TV. My favorite movie is Ocean's 13 and the shittiest one I've seen is Daywatchers. <br />
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    I hate hypocrites, so please don't put on a false mask when talking to me. I guess that statement is pretty hypocritical itself, but as long as you try to support your own beliefs then we have no problem.<br />
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    I'm in a longterm relationship with a wonderful girl, a short term relationship with an abusive flu. I like to run in the rain, fantasizing of all the wonderful people I can take under a midnight shower. I love gray skies, maybe I'm wierd, but the beauty of a grey day is only surpassed by the beauty of her. Yes I spelt gray two different ways and everyone should learn to deal with it! I'm a grammar freak and I like sentences to be legible. My favorite sport is baseball, and I've played for about 8 years before I quit. I like video games, RPGs and Action games mostly. I'm a dreamer, but I'm often in need of a reality check.<br />
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    I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters, and I'm the youngest of the litter. I have 4 nieces and 2 nephews, all very precious to me. Nothing will ever take my family away from me. I have 3 mothers and one father. My mothers are Mom, Laura, and Mrs. Scarlette. My dad is my dad. We made a really cool brown pinewood derby car when I was a kid that came in first place, even above the eagle scout level which were alloud heavier cars. We called it the "Floater". I have two dogs and a cat. The dogs are named Walter and Jack. The cat is Cookie.<br />
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    I save the last paragraphic for my weaknesses. I figure if you read through all of that you deserve to know my pitfalls. Or you could just CHEAT and skip down here.<br />
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    I'm found sleeping while cuddling something. If anyone sees me doing this you can bet your ass I'm thinking of her. I have self esteem problems, because I've been betrayed many times. I'm too forgiving and too shy, often times losing something I could have had because I didn't grab the opportunity. Other times I don't lose something quick enough and it isn't healthy for me. I get angry at things that are blatantly wrong but people back up. I hate people who don't believe everyone has an equal right to life. Hate is a strong word, but I don't want anything to do with anyone who believes they are superior because of gender, race, color, or religion. I'm anti-abortion, pro-life, whatever you want to say. I'm a carnivor, and I care less about how many cows are killed for my steak and care more for how many animals are slaughtered to make your salad. Trust me, the harvesting process kills thousands upon thousands of animals. In the end I just hate hypocriticaly intolerant ass holes.<br />
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    Oh, and gogo stop global warming >.> do stuff for the environment, recycle, cut your plastic can holders, ect.<br />
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    (To the woman I've never met smile <br />
    I know you're up there looking down on me. I know you're probably stalking every move I make. I know you're pouncing on my every downfall, torturing me with every simple mistake I create. I know at times you've probably wanted to punch me, and at others times I bet you wished you could scream at me until I was a broken, crying man. I have to let you know that I thank you for every second. Every time I've felt guilt in my life it has made me a better person. Every time I've made an unforgiveable assumption you've been there to set me strait. Thank you so much. You are preparing me to be with her and I can't possibly thank you enough. Every ounce of strength I have will go into supporting your girl, and I hope when my lover and I finally make things right together you will be proud of me. I want to be the perfect man for her, and I need you to help me. I know I've never met you, but I've seen your smile and the smile you've put on your daughter. I would give anything to meet you, but I know that won't be enough. So I hope, from the bottom of my heart, you will bless both of us with a great life together.<br />
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    I would love to call you my fourth mother. The mother who shares my birthday.
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