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  • Artist Info: Hail and well met,<br />
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    I am Deisa, just Deisa. Pronoucing my entire name would be an exercise in futility after all its all abstract thoughts, concepts, and symbols. <br />
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    Now since you're looking at this I guess I should elaborate a little bit more about myself.<br />
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    Lets see where to begin?<br />
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    It all started twenty something years ago, on a hot summer's night. The sky was clear and the stars shone just right, there was a strong smell of oranges and nectarines in the air. <br />
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    How do I know this? Well I don't but that's what me mum says, and since its poetic enough I'll stick to it. Now if I may please continue?<br />
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    So sky was clear, stars shining just right, smell of oranges and nectarines... bah now I've lost my train of thought. Lets skip the beginning, middle, and end, and just start.<br />
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    I'm a joker, a trickster, an incorrigible prankster. If you're up to some mischief I'd be sorely disappointed if I'm not part of it. <br />
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    My favourite things is to get drunk on fruit cocktails and try and do puzzles or play word games. Then giggle incessantly about it like a schoolgirl. But its all fun and games until someone loses an eye, how true that is. Look at me for example, rogue puzzle piece doesn't stay in and WHAM it bounces back into my face-eye all gone. Though just between you and I, I tell the women I lost it saving an orphanage. *wink wink*<br />
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    My other interests include writing poetry not the heavy emotional stuff, though I am guilty of that, but ones that put you in the moment. Whether it is suddenly getting caught in the rain while being caressed by the sun, or in class with the mind wandering to visit a neighbouring room. Really I am a better poet than this.<br />
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    Well enough about me for now, I hear the rumblings of a prank come to fruition and so must be off.<br />
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