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    x____ currently feeling:<br />
    ยป iT DOn`t mAttER 'nEEmoRe. <br />
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    i`m g-O-N-e ~ [aS iNNN. bUh-byEEE; iQUiT]
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    i sHOuLD inTroDUcE mYseLF; YeEaH? ;D <br />
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    Oh - hi - oh! My name is Kara and I'm 14 years old. My friends also call me Krystal (or Crystal.. in this case, it doesn't matter), Kairi, and Kiri :3 I'm Azn (ViET to be exact <3) and I have highlights O: Once my grandparents accept it, those highlights are going to be BLUE ;D 'cause blue is my favorite color. I guess my hobbies are basketball, playing the violin [SHOCKING] O___o, going on the computer [chyeeeah MAPLESTORY LUFF <3], and listening to music. I get along with guys very well @3@ most of my friends are guys.. it kinda makes me feel like I should get more female friends ^^; but that's my tomboyish side to ya ;P You can say I'm a good girl most of the time, but I have been called a daredevil several times by friends and other people. I remember the time I ran away from home for three days after a heated argument with my grandparents.. the only reason why I returned was because I ran out of food XD and the other time I ran away to a friend's house just for the hell of it. 8D I also tried a cigarette before [it tasted NASTY by the way] and I also put a smoking bomb in a teacher's car for a dare, and it made poor Mr. Austen believe his car had a problem x] good thing they never found out. >( ^_^)> I can't wait to see how high school's going to be like.. since it's like a new beginning. You meet new friends, new teachers, it's new EVERYTHING and I simply can't wait! Plus the high school I got into is supposedly the best in the state! I can't believe it.. I surprise myself more than I surprise others, in my opinion :B Anyways!!! I like saying random things (pineapple monkey peppermint ninja)! and learning new things that are NOT RELATED TO SCHOOL. Show me some kind of funny video from Youtube and I'll love you for it (; You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine.. kind of. xP <br />
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    That's all I gotta say. I really do hate typing over long periods of time, maybe when I'm rich I could hire a butler to type for me 8]
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