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Hey, everyone! (: As I'm sure you probably haven't noticed, I've had some trouble checking in lately. I hate to bother anyone with 'goodbye' messages when I'm technically not formally leaving, so I'll leave this here for anyone who's looking. For now, I'm just going to be popping in once in a while, when I can, to look around and catch up on things. I'm sorry to leave in the middle of a lot of things, but it's been rather difficult to get on. Feel free to start up a conversation, but I'm sorry that it won't be a very fluent one on my part. <br />
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As for this account, I'm sort of leaving it as a joint account for my friend to come back to and keep up with. She'll be popping in to check into the Art Forums and such, but it'll also be rather sporadic. Feel free to talk with her, as well; I promise that she doesn't bite! If you're looking to contact me specifically, she'll let me know and I promise to find a time to come on and talk.<br />
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Thanks! Hope to keep in touch. :D<br />
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