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  • Artist Info: My name's Mary, it's lovely to meet you(:. I'm 15 years old and currently living in Long Island, New York. My mom is my best friend, and she has literally saved my life more times than I can count. I have four older brothers who can make me laugh, or cry, at any given time. My daddy trys the best he can, and I love him for that, even though he messes up a lot. I'm not what you would call a popular person, but that's by choice. I prefer silence and relaxation to noise, but the three real friends I do have are anything but quiet. They're names are Jackie, Diana, and Katlyn, and I wouldn't trade them for all the friends in the world. I have two dogs and one cat, and they keep my quite entertained since they're constantly fighting. I've met a lot of great people on this website, and my three best friends on here are Austin, Lala, and Brandon. They all mean something different, but equal to me, and I love them all very much. Get to know me ^.^<br />
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    Listen Bitxhhs Move Aside Because ii Got A Much To Say About This Gurll Ritee Here ! <br />
    Ightt So Ive Knoe Mary Since Like Forever & She Is Like My Sister But She’s My F**kinqq Wifee [; .<br />
    When Were Toqether We Mostly Be Havinqq a Blast Loll [x ; Butt She Is So Funny , Got a Great Personality And Is The Best Wife ii Can Ever Have And ii Tell This Gurll Everythinq ! And She Does The Same .<br />
    But The Biq Thinq Is That She Is Always Always There Forr Me And Damn Rite Ill Always Be There For Yhu No Matter What !<br />
    BECAUSE WERE THE PERFECT TWO Lmaoo She Hate’s That Sonqq But Idgaf [x .<br />
    && Guess What Mary StevenSonn ii F***kinqq Love Yhu Bitxhh !<br />
    One Last Thinq I Don’t Care Who Yhu Are Just ‘ Don’t Brinq No F**kinqq Drama To Her ‘ Because Im The One Who Deal w That Shxt Ightt (; . Hmuu . Classy One That’s My UserName Come Ath Me Bitchhs DARE YA ?!<br />
    && Boyss Shes Taken Ightt So Baqqk Off The Hell Off .<br />
    & Well I Guess I’m Done W My Book ! Mhaww Ilyy Wife < 3<br />
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