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  • Artist Info: Hello...<br />
    <br />
    My name is *insert name here* and I'm 14 y.o. (just got 14 last November 23...YAY) <br />
    <br />
    I'm from the Republic of the Philippines [RP] and if you've got problem with that just click the big red X mark on the right upper corner of your browser, thank you.<br />
    <br />
    I love drawing<br />
    I love reading mangas and watching animes<br />
    Though, watching animes kinda requires much more of my time so I prefer the first<br />
    I also love reading books ^^, <br />
    My all-time favorite book is "Satan's Fire"<br />
    IT Satisfied me from start to finish<br />
    Though i lost that book =,=<br />
    <br />
    The story of panzer_04 and the book of "Satan's Fire":<br />
    <br />
    Once I was alone...in this piece of crap of reality<br />
    Okay..okay...<br />
    I found the book scattering around our classroom and I asked who owned it no one claimed it...so I took it home (its cover was missing) and fell in-love with it. We got married(Lawl)...but after 3 days it got LOST!! O,O<br />
    <br />
    THE END!<br />
    <br />
    I am also attempting to write stories since many kind of unique scenes are always popping out in my mind at certain times....<br />
    But...well, it's always EPIC FAIL =,=<br />
    I also thought of just drawing it through Comic-way since the "Unique scenes" I am talking about appears visually (yes, i am a very imaginative person *cough* *cough*)<br />
    <br />
    But as usual!<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    smile <br />
    <br />
    <br />
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    <br />
    <br />
    Ever wondering why panzer_04 is my alias?<br />
    Although, I am a girl?<br />
    And has absolutely no interests in tanks?<br />
    And the number 4 is in no way related to me?<br />
    <br />
    I do have a great*dumb* story about it which involves my childhood...and the pre-modern age of my life(the what?).<br />
    <br />
    But first, the real reason why it is panzer_04 is....<br />
    Ever since I first used computer, it has been my ID...<br />
    I'm so attached to it that its the only ID that i can remember by heart<br />
    (I also had other ID and attempted to change it but, I forgot them sweatdrop )<br />
    I am also afraid to use another ID since I might forget it....<br />
    How and where I got it is the main idea of the story:<br />
    <br />
    Panzer_04, Me, My, Mine and I (LAWL)<br />
    <br />
    Well, when I was still 7 y.o (or so..) we used to have our own computer shop.<br />
    I'm still computer illiterate that time and the only program that I know how to use is Paint blaugh ...and so, there was these 2 lady costumers that time wherein they're creating a new account on YM! (which is still widely popular at that time) and they thought of "panzer_04", I thought it sounds so cool that I planned to imitate them(although i completely have no idea what that ID means). And so...I used panzer_04 on Gunb***d, Fly**, Rag*****, Gu**, Audi**** Dan** Bat***, Bla that and Bla this and now...Gaia Online....<br />
    <br />
    THE END!!<br />
    <br />
    My feeling is also the same with my password eek <br />
    Even though one of my friends already know my password eek <br />
    I still dont want to replace it for the fear of forgetting it =,=<br />
    Since, like my ID, I have used that password eek <br />
    In so many websites already.<br />
    <br />
    I got my password eek <br />
    from winxclub.com (awww childhood heart )<br />
    ^^, you know, their random password registry (whatever you call that)<br />
    Ever since I got my password eek in there...I have used it everytime since its very easy to remember despite the fact that it is random.<br />
    You know, if its random and you can remember it...other people wont be able to crack it so easily<br />
    xd <br />
    <br />
    That's why I really really love my password eek <br />
    Though I might replace my Username here in Gaia in the near future....<br />
    I'm thinking of Ampere_panzer04<br />
    Or whatever<br />
    But I have no plans to replace panzer yet, since its the name where I met my friends....<br />
    I dont want them to get lost :3
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