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  • Artist Info: - NOT UP TO DATE -<br />
    I'm in college and I'm 19, and I'll update this later. xd <br />
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    I'm currently in high school, in the fourth semester to be more precise. Just a year and a half more and I'll be done with it. Well I still have no idea what career to pick, and my professional orientation class isn't helping much at all. It just left me confused and as of now I have not even the remote idea of what to go for. Though well we've been taking different tests to see our abilities or personalities and apparently I'll be good in something related to comunication or services. Publity, Medicine? I would love to go for medicine, but I know I won't be able to keep up with it, my studying habits are mediocre. I need to start fixing that and also my grades. @__@<br />
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    Anyway, I'm seventeen, I live in Mexico and life's great. Though well it could be better, but it's not bad at all. I can be a bit shy sometimes, but it's all a matter of time. Sometimes I have issues meeting new people since I tend to judge them, but it's a bad habit I'm trying to get rid off. Let's see, I love to watch tv, tough there's nothing to watch during this month. Seriously, all of the new seasons haven't started here so I have to watch Charm School, but well it's quite entertaining at least. I have a big taste in music, you could say I hear a bit of everything. And I do, I have a wide library of songs. I even have some songs because they make me laugh. <br />
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    I also like to play videogames and in fact I'm getting back to play them more frequently. The last two years I kind of stopped playing them that much and right now I play them at least three days a week, blame it on guitar hero and mario party. Anyway I've been thinking on getting a wii, but you know they're hard to find and well I could buy it in here but it's a rip off. I'm not paying $450 for a wii, so I guess I'll wait till next year to get one. <br />
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    Oh and school is going alright. There's way much to do to improve my grades.
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