• Tokyo_Raining_Star's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: <br />
    Hello!!! My name is Tabatha. <br />
    Age:18 <br />
    B-Day: July 18 <br />
    Location: London, Just moved there not to long ago. <br />
    Favorite color: Umm...... White <br />
    Favorite Flower: Poppy and poinsettia <br />
    Tools/Weapons:Photoshop, Paint Tool Sai, Copic Sketch,Oil paint(messy but, so much fun to use,Acrylic paint,Watercolors, Markers,Micron Liners, <br />
    Likes/Loves: Video Games, Rainy days, Gardening, Reading,Ice cream, Art(you are my life), Manga/Anime (you are my addiction), Chocolate, Candy, Good Food ^u^<br />
    I like to meet new people and chat, so don't be afraid to talk to me even if I seem shy or quiet.
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