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  • Artist Info: I am Lord Sesshomaru, the yōkai son of the powerful Inu no Taishou and another, yet unnamed inuyōkai known only as 'Sesshomaru's Mother'. <br />
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    Since Inu no Taishou is considered to be a daiyōkai (great yōkai), Sesshomaru is a daiyōkai himself. In both the manga and the anime, he appears stoic and hard to read. He rarely smiles, and when he does, it is usually not a good thing; Jaken once begged Sesshomaru to beat him rather than to smile because it was Sesshomaru's smile that he feared most. Sesshomaru believes that struggle is the only way for survival, and throughout most of the series, he shows his contempt for InuYasha, his half brother.<br />
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    Although Sesshomaru inherited his father's Tenseiga, which can bring 100 people back to life with a single swing, he originally coveted InuYasha's inheritance, the powerful Tetsusaiga. However, a barrier was cast around Tetsusaiga so that full yōkai cannot wield it without burning their flesh. Even knowing that he cannot touch the sword, Sesshomaru still desires to take it from InuYasha. He fights with InuYasha in their father's grave and by chance, InuYasha transforms the blade and hacks off Sesshomaru's left arm. It is not until his fight with Magatsuhi that his left arm returns. By the time he regains his left arm, however, he is no longer interested in obtaining the Tetsusaiga.<br />
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    He is followed by his retainer, an imp-like yōkai with a small beak named Jaken, and later by a human orphan named Rin, whom Sesshomaru brings back to life using Tenseiga, which he tells Jaken was merely a test of the sword (bringing a great deal of distress to the retainer). He is also followed by a two-headed dragon that Rin names Ah-Un. Ah-Un is Rin and Jaken's main form of transportation when Sesshomaru takes flight or when they need to cover long distances quickly. Also, Sesshomaru later saves Kohaku from Byakuya, resulting in Kohaku's decision to join his retinue as they leave Sesshomaru's mother's palace.[8] It is also revealed that none of his companions (excluding Ah-Un) can again be revived by the Tenseiga since they have all died before and were already revived by Tenseiga.<br />
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    Although Sesshomaru maintains a cool, disinterested exterior, throughout the story his compassion seems to be growing. When InuYasha is controlled by his yōkai blood, Sesshomaru comes to see for himself the power that InuYasha could produce. After defeating InuYasha, he instructs Kagome to return the Tetsusaiga to InuYasha in order to restore him to his former self. It is possible that he lost interest in obtaining the Tetsusaiga mainly due to InuYasha's need for the sword to control his yōkai blood, but also because he had recently got his own offensive sword, Tokijin. He left claiming that he intends to kill InuYasha one day, when InuYasha could adequately fight back. By making this public declaration, Sesshomaru is claiming first right to InuYasha's death by his own hand, and at his choice of time and place. Thus Sesshomaru can then choose to battle any shared adversary with no loss of face and without admitting any familial attachment or emotions. As by his declaration, any enemy attempting to kill InuYasha is infringing on Sesshomaru's right to do so.<br />
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    Though Sesshomaru is prone to hitting, kicking, and stepping on his servant Jaken, he has repeatedly warned Jaken to move out of the way prior to an attack. Sesshomaru also allows Rin to follow him and protects her when she gets in trouble. Kagura later kidnaps Rin for Naraku as part of his attempt to absorb Sesshomaru. When Naraku tries to escape after failing to absorb him, Sesshomaru intended to pursue Naraku, but upon hearing that Rin was in danger, he lets Naraku go, and instead goes to aid Rin.<br />
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    Later in the manga, when Rin appears to be dead due to her time in Hell, Sesshomaru enters Hell for the purpose of rescuing her, but upon learning that he cannot save her life, he is crushed. When he realizes that it was his urge to strengthen Tenseiga which brought them to Hell and ultimately killed her, he casts the sword aside and says for the sword to gain power at the expense of Rin's life means nothing. However, when Sesshomaru's mother revives Rin, he is seen to be relieved.
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