• Sky Of Night--'s Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Ohaii(: I'm Sky Of Night-- .<br />
    Formerly known as Xreflecti0n(:<br />
    Call me Xuan biggrin
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    I'm rather small in terms of age ; not telling what though .<br />
    I'm random , weird , obsessed with certain stuff ; example , Defence of the Ancients . Imma GIRLNot a BOY . People call me mature [I am ? ] for my age . K , I'm not blowing my own trumpet here , okay O: I believe in tit-for-tat , but double the damage . That is , if you hurt me , I'll hurt you back more . <br />
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    I swear alot for a kid my age . Yeah , to the point of which my parents are used to my loud swearings . Ahhh ... and what else ... Ah , and yes , I devour fantasy & teenage novels . Okay that was random . iAm Singaporean.<br />
    And proud to be one . Chicken rice , anyone ? 8D
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    Okay , I shall stop rambling and let you get off my profile page 8D
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