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    First off, the name is Defrag. I'm part of something much bigger than myself, but for safety reasons, I can't tell you too much about it. You ever heard of Who Wants to be a Superhero? Well, if you have Feedback is THE man! If you haven't check it out on SciFi Chanel's website. <br />
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    So why believe in a superhero you ask? Well, it's not so much believing in a superhero, it's believing in a superior human. It doesn't take powers to make someone super. It takes heart and spirit, and doing the right thing just because it is. <br />
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    Me? I've been all over in this life time, but I found I feel the best when I do something genuinely nice for the right reasons. None of that "Because my Mother always said..." stuff. Sure my mother always said a lot of things, but just because she said it doesn't make it right, it makes it feel like an obligation. <br />
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    Am I a superhero? No, I do not have any powers what-so-ever (as far as I know, who knows if one day I'll wake up with some, I mean it happens all over the world!). If you want to know more about what I mean, just head to Broken Sea Audio and check out Feedback: A Hero s Calling. So I do what I can by fixing cars and helping to keep people safe on the road. It doesn't sound like much, but good brakes can save a life in a bad situation. Plus, if you're eco-conscious, a well tuned car emits less pollution and has better gas millage. <br />
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    And hey, on a side note, on the same site there's this other program called BetaFlight that the real real me got to play a villain for! Wootz! Name's Daytrader and she even killed a hero before almost getting dead herself. smile Never thought I'd be so happy to see a character I portray get their bee-hind handed to them.
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