• XXCherryBlossomDeathXX's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Hello, call me Cherry or Sakura!<br />
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    Hello, let me introduce myself; My name is Ocean, Riel (or, on here, Riel_Roses) little sister. Whenever me and our parents visit his place, he always pinches my nose, and I bight him. That's our normal greeting for sure ( = _ ~ )!<br />
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    I have pale skin, pink hair (dyed, it used to be blonde - _ -, blegh), super-dark brown eyes (they are almost black). I think I'm about 4 ft. and 3 in. tall, I'm not sure.<br />
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    Favorite foods: Milk Chocolate (duh), soups, ice-cream . . . mm, I could really use a Vanilla-topped chocolate fudge sundae right now . . .<br />
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    Least fav foods: Aw, c'mon, its' SO easy to guess! I love sweets, so I probably dislike --yup, you guessed it, sour and spicy stuff!<br />
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    Fav Manga: Bizenghast, DeathNote, Fullmetal Alchemist (Envy . . . so cute ^ _^ ), CLAYMORE! I LOVE CLAYMORE, GO CLARE!! WHOOP!!<br />
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    Fav Movies: Anything that can scare the living sh*t out of my brother, like AmityVale (I loooove that movie *drools*), Mirror Mask, the Labyrinth (David Bowie rocks).<br />
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    Fav Bands: DAVID BOWIE, HELL YEAH!! Siouxie and the Banshees, Elliot Smith, Muse. Sometimes Disturbed, depends if I'm mad or not. <br />
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    Btw, my style is Goth-Lolita, and I absolutely HATE doctors and dentists!<br />
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    Hobbies: writing, reading, drawing, sleeping all day ( ^_^ " wink
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