• PR1NC3SS T1G3R's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Welcome all, to ze Princess Tiger's profile. Who am I? you may ask. Why am I so awesome? Now, you may ask that too, but that, is a secret. But, I can answer your first question. I am a girl. I don't know what my hair or eye colour is, so don't ask. I have light skin, and I am very thin. Now, that is pretty much my physical appearance. Or, at least, the part I will tell you about. Do you have a good picture so far? Probably not. Good. That's what I was going for.<br />
    <br />
    What are my hobbies, my interests? You may ask, and I will answer. I enjoy web design, reading, writing, movies, photography, and tigers. I have quite a few things in the arena, if you would like to see some of my art. It may not be what you consider art, but do I care what you think? Nope. But I don't want to seem rude, so I will smile politely and say, "My apologies," if you do ever bring that up.<br />
    <br />
    Now now, you must have many questions about me, but I can only answer so many at a time, so shut it while I speak, or type in this case. A common question I get is 'How old are you?'. Ah, well, friends, that, I can not tell you. I will not answer any personal questions, including: What school do you go to? Where do you live? What is your REAL name? Oh, wait, I can answer that last one. You, peasant, shall call me Princess Tiger, and nothing else.<br />
    <br />
    By now, you may be thinking, 'wTf 1Z r0nG W1T d1$ gUrL?' or 'She's crazy'. Or perhaps, even 'She is awesome.' I hope the last one. Because, you see, I am. I am also god. So, be nice to me, and I will be nice back. I really am a nice person, but if people don't obey, I will make them obey. It is that easy.<br />
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    I am sorry, but I leave you all. For now. If you would like to know more, feel free to read my journal or send me a private message. Though remember these few words:<br />
    <br />
    Listen to me.<br />
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    Thank you for reading my 'About Me'.<br />
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    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.<br />
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    User Image<br />
    <br />
    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.<br />
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    User Image<br />
    Total Value: 2,963,460 Gold<br />
    [Item Information]<br />
    <br />
    Item List:<br />
    Smashing Cities<br />
    Winter Rose<br />
    Fairy Wand<br />
    Angelic Pendant<br />
    Cloud<br />
    Elemental Wings<br />
    Biancamella<br />
    Clean White Tavern Wench's Skirt<br />
    Silver Tiara With Onyx<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    User Image<br />
    Total Value: 323,013 Gold<br />
    [Item Information]<br />
    <br />
    Item List:<br />
    Blade Of The Devil Tail's Tunic<br />
    Oculus Mythica<br />
    Electric Sparks<br />
    Elemental Wings<br />
    Smashing Cities<br />
    Fire Flower<br />
    Black Body Dye<br />
    <br />
    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
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  • 3 Fans