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  • Artist Info: Alrighty, this is me. I'm adjusting to the idea that I may very well be an adult. You can tell by the avatar. *is actually serious*<br />
    I am a weird person. I do random things and I get a kick out of everything. Might just be my personal opinion, but I don't like being upset, so I try to enjoy everything as much as possible, even if it seems like it's not quite as funny as to deserve how hard I'm laughing. Oh well, stuff happens. You only get one life.<br />
    <br />
    For those that remember me and know who I am, I am BAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!! You have been warned. I will not be held responsible for any future incidents which may arise due to... (can I say anything? it is a disclosure...) most anything. Yay.
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