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Artist Info:
Haiii!!!!!!!! im hollypup10!!!! hehe if u dont know me, well, i can b a reaaall flake when in comes to somethings, like zoning out in the middle of doing something, tripping over nothing (it ALWAYS happens in front of people!! TT^TT), and just plain have a hard time paying attention to stuff when i need to. not school though! im a good student! im considered a book worm to some people(cause i am!!) and because i have a lot of free time in class i read xD<br />
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my friends say im like a living anime character ^^ aside from me being a little clumsy xD Im very bubbly (no thanks to my love of anime ^^ i go chibi ALOOTT xD) and love everyone of my friends and family!! Im fun to hang around, even though i might act a liiittttle weird sometimes (blame the chibiness xD) u get used to it xD ^^<br />
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I love cats, manga/anime, singing, drawing, playing musical introments, listening to music, and reading books and manga ^^ - Avg. rating:
- 25 Fans
- Doppleganger
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- 63 recent comments
Comments (7 Comments)
- Captain Critique - 03/16/2010
- Hollypup!! x3 It'll be gone by the time you're online, but your art is all over teh main arenas entry! Lucky!
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- Captain Critique - 01/17/2010
- You...need...to...addez...MORE ART!!! Oh no! It's the attack of the art craving zombies!!!AHHH!! x33
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- Captain Critique - 12/24/2009
- >:3 MERRY F**KING CHRISTMAS!!!(AND A HAPPY F**KING NEW YEAR TOO!!)Did you draw anything for z holiday?
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- drawcula - 12/05/2009
- You're very good. Great work smile
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- Captain Critique - 10/18/2009
- py anything! This is an awsome skill, especially for an artist. I'll bet you can copy things from reality instead of other drawings! You should just give it a shot, just to experiment.
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- Captain Critique - 10/18/2009
- > biggrin I figured it out!! I figured out the secret behind your art!! With a reference image, you are freaking amazing. You can copy every last bit of detail perfectly. But without one, you struggle. This isn't a bad thing, however, just for things like creating your own manga or anime. If you can't creat your own charecters with such detail, you will struggle! So, I think maybe you should give painting or scenery art a thought. Just go outside and draw what you see. I will bet that being able to co
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- Kunoichi LOR - 09/27/2009
- Thanks for adding mine favourite ;D
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