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    Hey this is Morbid, and this is my intro. Its amazing is it not. Ah well I can see you dont appreciate my humor so onto matters of who I am. <br />
    Well I'm in my teens and one day I plan to publish many novels. Im a poet by heart and most of my subject matter has to do with: Love, Insanity, Murder, and depression. Besides my great interest in love and all things romantic my creativity is used darkly. I also have a boyfriend whom i love very much, more than anything <br />
    I <3 you <br />
    <br />
    Oh and I'm a pervert<br />
    wanna wrestle in pudding? : D<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    To Burn Eternal
    <br />
    Fire consuming every last breath <br />
    Spreading burning your touch to taste <br />
    Living while burning <br />
    Consuming while dying <br />
    Let love burn you through <br />
    Let hate consume your soul <br />
    Burning down the grave <br />
    Turning ashes to dust <br />
    Burning the note killing the thought <br />
    Living the dream <br />
    To burn eternal <br />
    Turn to the burning moon to let it live through your flaming eyes <br />
    Burned and gouged out through a hatred for all things to be seen <br />
    Blinded forever through eyes forsaken <br />
    Living a dream <br />
    To burn eternal <br />
    Rolling in flame soaked flowers dripping metallic hate <br />
    Enough to burn the taste from your parched tongue <br />
    Sinuous in its own sinister movements <br />
    Lucid in its levity <br />
    Crying out its pompous heart <br />
    Wishing to live the dream <br />
    To burn eternal <br />
    Envy the burning sky as the stars fall from their pillars <br />
    Observe as the world ends you close your eyes <br />
    And burn eternal <br />
    -By Morbid soliloquy<br />
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