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  • Artist Info: hello my name is jilli i am 14 i have been called emo many times so i guess i am (not really i just have mutipul personallitys, obbsesive compulsive dissorder, attition defisit disorder, insomnea, low self esteem, and i realy realy like sweets so i almost always have a sugar high *meaning i am not realy high* hyperness rox) well i am usally quite in public places but you cant see me so i am talkitive (also paranoid) i have short hair i am gunna dye it black and so it look like death the kids (i have three white stripes in my hair) i always look like a punk but all intelligent life smart enugh to slisether out of the dark abiss and take the first breath of air know i am not one to break a rule (but then again hyprocrosy thyn name is you) i like vampires and all the other creatures of the night (but i am still pissed off about twilight i like it and all but the sparkles made me wanna burn all the books and movies glitter is evil!!!) i obsess over colors and numbers (the magic number is 91, the not magic number is 15, i named one of my friends 73 (but i dont think i am friends with him anymore cuz he stoped talking to me) and now there is a D84 (i am not sure if i should give you his username but if you ask), the ancwer to the universe is 42, 555 is death, the number of the gods is purple, orange is evil the color word spelling and fruit) my fav colors are saffron and clear i like old songs and japan my fav foods are breads i like sweet bread the best but i also like sour and flat and all the others i love the vocaloids as you can tell i also love death note and bacicly every think on my profile i need more pictures tho (always need more) twice in my life i have had a heart attack i have had five surgerys and i am acadent prone i am also still a pryromanic even thow i burned most of the skin off of my legs (that was three of the surgerys and the worst part was i dident have anesthetic (i like novacane) because it was so bad that it could of put me in shock or coma) oh its getting long goodbye have a good morning/afternoon/night
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