• iDancer In The Dark's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: <br />
    I'm so gangsta', I shit Spongebob.
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    FACT!<br />
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    User Image<br />
    Hey there, I'm iDancer In The Dark. Some of you *awesome* people may recognize my name, from The Rasmus' awesome song, Dancer In The Dark. Hats off to those of you who do!<br />
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    A/S/L: 15/Female/USA<br />
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    I like guys AND girls. And I don't care if you think I'm 'gross'.<br />
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    I'm a vegetairan. I like animals more than humans. (:<br />
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    I'm an Atheist. Don't assume just because I don't believe in a higher power <br />
    automatically makes me evil or mean. I'll treat anyone with respect, as long as they show me respect. Weird how that works.<br />
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    I'm an artist, I guess. Going into AP next year! <br />
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    I'm going to be a Junior too. FUCK.<br />
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    Uh, yeah.<br />
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    Also, I'm married to Marshy, and we're going to have billions of babies together. :B heart <br />
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    Want art from me or other fantastic artists?<br />
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    Also, check out my OC art contest (run on another account of mine):<br />
    User Image<br />
    Yes, I have MSN. It hates me though. C: Feel free to add me if you'd like to though:<br />
    iDancerInTheDark@hotmail.com<br />
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