- Skyve Niara's Gallery
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Artist Info:
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My name is not something you should really be caring about. I am a freshmen in college (starting Fall 2010) and going in with 63 credits - Which is really awesome. I am majoring in art education and thinking about minoring in english. <br />
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I want to teach highschool kids because- at least with most of them- you can have half a decent conversation. The only reason I would enter a room of any grade below 9th is to have the children chant my name and grovel before my awesome power.<br />
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If it isn't obvious, I love art- My chosen medium is a simple pencil and paper. I can paint too, but not very well. I love to talk and show off my stuff, but will never just do it without someone having asked me too. <br />
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I have an interesting taste in music and enjoy a large varity of the stuff. My playlist is a little out dated, but it gives a close idea of my preferences.<br />
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I love to rant on stuff, specifically things I hate about society. I enjoy to have deep conversations on things like that- but I also like having random fun stuff to talk on too. <br />
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That's pretty much all the basics, I encourage you to just PM me questions if you are curious enough about anything else you'd like to know. I do enjoy talking about myself (who doesn't). Anyway, thanks for taking your time to read through this useless area of information!<br />
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Your Primary Mythical Creature<br />
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Air Types<br />
The main strength of the Air types is intellect. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this intellectual activity.<br />
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Unicorn<br />
Air with Water<br />
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Astrologically associated with Gemini and the Third House<br />
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Unicorn types are very concerned with the communication of ideas. They are witty and likeable but can also be quite shy. They are easily bored and easily distracted, and may seem unpredictable and superficial for this reason. Actually they are very deep and are usually trying to find the connections between the people and things around them. They are highly imaginative but not very practical. They love knowledge for its own sake and are not concerned about putting it to use. They are socially astute and sensitive to others’ feelings, but may still appear somewhat aloof. They are drawn to grand schemes for unifying people but these often don’t extend beyond the initial idea. Very logical and rational, Unicorn types are also unconventional and even bizarre. Other people may regard them as fey or just strange.<br />
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Your Shadow Creature<br />
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Fire Types<br />
All the Fire types have problems relating to anger and aggression. The weakest element indicates the main focus of these problems.<br />
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Phoenix<br />
Fire and Earth<br />
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This shadow is prone to a sense of stagnation due to lack of motivation and laziness. Nothing durable is ever produced. Practical activities may never be embarked upon. There is an underlying sense of futility and hopelessness. Disillusionment results from their lack of confidence that they can change anything for the better, and in any case they do not have the will. At the same time there is an underlying grandiosity and even megalomania reflected in their dreams and aspirations. They need to feel special. Instead, they may simply overindulge or neglect themselves physically. The biggest obstacle of weak Earth is to overcome self-centeredness and greed; the biggest obstacle of weak Fire is to overcome anger and aggression <br />
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