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  • Artist Info: Hi my name is Kathleen and I'm 13 years old.My favorite colors are orange and purple I have three cats, one dog, a bird, some fish, and a snail. My favorite books are Twilight, New moon (even though that one was kinda boring) Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. You should check 'em out. The authors name is Stephanie Meyer (in case you didn;t already know) My favorite movies are Twilight and Hairspray. My favorite singers are Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus. My favorite animal is a porke pine puffer (it's a fish that's really cute so look it up on google and you will love it to) I have a cell phone and the number is 555-555-5555. No it;s not why would I tell you my phone number. I might be young but I'm not that stupid. Well that's pretty much all you need to know about me so bye
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