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  • Artist Info: Jaina Solo<br />
    Homeworld Coruscant<br />
    Born 9 ABY (44),Coruscant<br />
    Parents Leia Organa Solo, and Han Solo<br />
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    Physical description<br />
    Species Human<br />
    Gender Female<br />
    Height 1.49 meters<br />
    Hair color Dark brown<br />
    Eye color Brown<br />
    Skin color Fair<br />
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    Bio<br />
    Jaina Solo was a Human female Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order, the twin sister of Jacen Solo and the older sister of Anakin Solo. Born to Han and Leia Organa Solo, she inherited her father's mechanical aptitude and her mother's Force sensitivity, resulting in her eventual training at the Jedi Praxeum. During her time there as a youth, she had many adventures, including helping to thwart the Second Imperium, where she helped Zekk abandon the dark side of the Force and join the ranks of the Jedi. <br />
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    In 40 ABY, she assumed control of Hardpoint Squadron and participated in the Battle of Tralus, siding with the Galactic Alliance. Afterward, she and her brother Jacen commanded Rogue Squadron during the Blockade of Corellia. The resulting crisis resulted in a split between her and Jacen due to his increasingly aggressive actions, though she remained active in the Jedi Order. Solo would later be paired up with Jagged Fel and Zekk on a mission to hunt down the renegade Dark Jedi Alema Rar. The death of her aunt Mara Jade Skywalker and the dark deeds of her brother only encouraged her to find a way to stop Jacen, who had fallen to the dark side and she began seeking the means to do so through training with her father's ex-arch-enemy, Mandalore Boba Fett. She later killed her twin brother, now the Sith Lord Darth Caedus, in a lightsaber duel aboard the Star Destroyer Anakin Solo.<br />
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    Following the death of Caedus and the end of the war, Solo remained an active member of the Order. One day new powers like her mother Sailor Alderaan she awaked as a senshi and became Sailor Coruscant
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