• Night Kitsune-Dono's Gallery
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  • Artist Info:
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    Taylor M Forgue
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    heart shibo wa naru dake heart
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    yum_puddi Sweets<br />
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    yum_puddi Monster Drinks<br />
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    yum_puddi Being Hyper/ Imagination World<br />
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    yum_puddi Drawing
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    emotion_bigvein Trolls/Haters (sometimes love them to death!!!)<br />
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    emotion_bigvein Bugs/Spiders (Besides prayne mantis)<br />
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    emotion_bigvein Pedophiles <br />
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    emotion_bigvein Obsessed People who think they're the best no matter what, and or think they had a rougher life then everybody else.
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    ~ This Info Is Secretive, If You'd Like To Know Ask Me ~
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    !~ABOUT ME~!
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    Hey, welcome to my profile! Glad you could stalk me! Here is some things about me that I haven't put above this.<br />
    I love to draw, sing and dance like a lunitic! Plus run in the rain with some friends then the very next day not be at school because I caught a cold.<br />
    I am smart, I just choose not to use it while at school. If you ask me, everything there is just useless. Unless of course you want to be a mathematical person always working on stuff like that. Depends on what type of math it is that to me. Its absolutely pointless. <br />
    Im not one to really cares unless I have a overdrive of things going on in my life. Which I try to stray away from, even though its rough.<br />
    I like being on Gaia alot because it takes me away from reality, something I dearly fear. I'd just love to chill and have fun! But, life isn't going to let me have it that way now is it..?<br />
    Some things I LOVE to do on Gaia though is chill at Rally or Virtual Hollywood. I also am getting alot more interested in going to the forums.<br />
    If you play zOMG and are a lvl 10.0 or up, I'd love to Smob, Smeb and hopefully in the future being DMS. But, out of all three i prefer Smeb. Im also starting to do tons of roleplays in the forums and guilds. It's really fun! ^_^<br />
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    If you would like some art. Please PM me. I may work on it. May forget though, So you have to keep me up with it, even if I get slightly annoyed. <br />
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