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Artist Info:
hey anyone just a bit bout me i love to snowboard hang out with my friends listen to good music lol and look for hot guys and go to the mall i play softball and still learning how to play the eletric gutair (im teaching myslef) and and i sometimes s8board <br />
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i lOvE: <br />
* mY mUsiC * my fRiEnDs * tAlKiNg oN tHe pHoNe * sTaYiNg uP lAtE * tAkiNg piCtUrEs * lOoKiNg aT tHe sTaRs * pLaYiNg mY gUiTaR * bLaCk * gReEn * piNk * OrAnGe* ReD* wAtChiNg mOviEs * <br />
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fAvOriTe bAnDs:<br />
* aTrEyU * fAlL oUt bOy * aLl aMeRiCaN rEjEcTs * diStUrBeD * tHe sMaShiNg pUmPkiNs * hAwThOrNe hEiGhTs * gReEn dAy * aVeNgEd sEvEnFoLd * sEnSeS fAiL * pAniC! aT tHe diScO * pApA rOaCh * fRoM fiRsT tO lAsT * aS i lAy dYiNg * uNdEroAtH * tAkiNg bAcK sUnDaY * AFI * riSe aGaiNsT * gOoD cHaRlOtTe * aLkAliNe tRiO * H.I.M * aLl tHat rEmAiNs * sUm 41 * bLiNk 182 * sYsTeM of a dOwN * sToRy oF tHe yEaR * siMpLe pLaN * liNkiN pArK * fOrt miNoR * tHe oFfSpRiNg * aiDeN * tHe uSeD * yElLoWcArD * jUnE * rEd hOt cHiLi pEpPeRs *My ChEmIcAl RoMaNcE <br />
thers a ton more bout me but if u really want to know u'll have to pm me<br />
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A poem about a
desire within
the mind of a
human being.
That's my
definition of
the poem. Make
your - Cold-Minded
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
A poem I
wrote. Though
it's more
like song
it's more
of a sad little
love poem in my
eyes. I - Hey...Remembe...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
- First Love
- Painting And Drawing
- 12 recent comments
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