• Sherrlock Holmes's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: There's only a few things I really want to say on here. I'm twenty one. I'm taking a break from college right now so I'm doing absolutely fucking nothing. Feels good for once. <br />
    I love to roleplay so hit me up if you see me around and want me to join a group or if you want to start a one on one.<br />
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    PM me if you want to know more. <br />
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    User Image<br />
    ^^DirtyDishes Sherrlock Holmes Friends For Life!~<br />
    By Mister Nuggets<br />
    {{You can't see the text, so I wrote it in, yes? Yes.}}<br />
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    Thank you, -ART-tabulous- for donating Love Hurts to me :}<br />
    Thanks Ganturo Ginokun for mah sexy USSR mask <33<br />
    Thank you Gray Flashbacks for Scarlet Mist <33<br />
    Thank you Diandra Moon for the rainbow scarf <33<br />
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